Viewing Ratsy's Profile

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CSS By SageTheAce

hello I’ve moved on from this site for the most part. I only use it now for art commissions , trades and such. If you’d like to keep contact, consider checking out my carrd for sites I am more active on :)
hello I’ve moved on from this site for the most part. I only use it now for art commissions , trades and such. If you’d like to keep contact, consider checking out my carrd for sites I am more active on :)
avatar by Rotsuoy !!

Villagers 15
Gallery 4
Steampunk Costume x1
They/Them Pronoun Button x1
Clown Shoes Button x1
Very Vampire Button x1
WHOA WHOA WHOA I LOVE HOW YOU DREW CASEY!!! thank you so much he looks awesome!!
I FORGOT TO SAY bc I was away visiting my SO but thank you sm for the art of Paps on the draw the OC thread ;u;
Thank you so much for drawing Dino! He looks awesome in your style!! ^^
Thank you for Pirulais art <3
150k FC or 100 FD C:
no problem mate
Thanks for the art!
You’re good ^^
The wrong amount was sent ;;;;
Ah well you can call me lost, i kinda forgot who you were too lol, but it felt like we were friends before i stopped being on here lol