Viewing llZoeyll's Profile

User ID: #19557
Username: llZoeyll
Gender: Female
Last Online: 15 Jan 2025, 4:38 am
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 4:17 am
Username: llZoeyll
Gender: Female
Last Online: 15 Jan 2025, 4:38 am
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 4:17 am

Profile description
Villagers 1
Gallery 8
Amethyst Giant Gem x1
Sapphire Giant Gem x1
Emerald Giant Gem x1
2017 Jack-O-Lantern x6
Gold Goblet x1
Silver Vampbird (Female)
Pumpkin Carving Kit x1
Rainbow Cloud Koi (Male)
yeah, they do since its such a needed product for the current oceandome event
just wanted to let you know
you're really underpricing the pine wood planks
the next highest price is 20k per plank
so you're losing out on like 15500k of profit
!! Thank you so much! <3
No problem. ^w^
Erm, I don't know, I hate asking for things aaa >m<
But I was wanting to save up for the blueberry cheesecake adopt seen on this thread:
You don't have to, but I'm having trouble saving up on a site that I'm basically quitting other than stalking the forums when I'm bored, so if you don't mind, any help I can get trying to get it would be very much appreciated. ;o;
Or if you want, I could send over a gala dress for it? I know it's not as much, but it looks like some more durability was added to it, and I feel bad asking for it anyway. ;;
But if you'd rather keep it, I understand, aha
That's where it went! Aa, glad it as found. ^^;
I feel horrible asking for it, and you'll probably put more use into it than I ever will (was planning on selling some old beta/past event items to transfer currency to my FR account), so if you'd like, you can keep it...?
Hey, sorry to be a bother, but did I happen to accidentally leave my shield of discourse on Nectar/Born in June when I transferred them over? I've been looking everywhere and I have no idea where it is. ;;
hello friend i hope youre well!