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Viewing MariahKat's Profile

User ID: #18611
Username: MariahKat
Gender: Female
Last Online: 21 Dec 2024, 9:57 pm
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 1:54 am

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Villagers 77

Comments 307

    • No problem! I wish you luck in the future. ^^

    • Hello there! I saw that you didn't really get very good stuff from your pet boxes. I have an extra crystal aquaticat that I'm happy to trade for maybe two commons of the new pets. Just wanted to extend the offer. ^^

    • no problem! consider it a gift!

    • greens.png
      a pair of rare and exotic g r e e n s

    • hehe it's the least i could do! <3

      Thank you again for being such a kind soul!!

    • hehehe ummm.. too late?? <3333
      I will XD hahaha thank you!! <3

    • Thank you SOO much, that is the sweetest thing i have had someone tell me all day, i'm so touched T-T
      Thank you so much! <33
      and of course I'll pay you, heck, i'll reward you for being so kind <333

    • oh my gosh, I messed up so badly, I noticed that you bought my beta bugs off the stalls for the FC, when i accidentally set that >.< I had ment to set them at FD...
      I can pay you back what you bought them for plus a little more, but can you please return them?

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