Viewing MariahKat's Profile
User ID: #18611
Username: MariahKat
Gender: Female
Last Online: 21 Dec 2024, 9:57 pm
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 1:54 am
Username: MariahKat
Gender: Female
Last Online: 21 Dec 2024, 9:57 pm
Registered: 2 Jul 2016, 1:54 am
Profile description
Villagers 77
Gallery 54
Faeli's Cursed Kitsune (100%)
Witchy Barn Owl (Female)
Dark Rubble Runt x37
2 Spoopy Button x1
Armour Crystal: Greater Dark x1
Ring Crystal: Dark x1
Weapon Crystal: Dark x4
Weapon Crystal: Greater Dark x3
Holy heck I just saw the picture (I don't use TH that often lol)
But aaaahhh, thank you so much! ^^ I absolutely adore it, your art is so amazing!
shhh... don't question it
OMG! Thank you so much for the wonderful tip!
Awww poor blacksmith! </3 Truly not their fault that I used all my luck for that Imaginary Lance. xD I feel the mind f**k though, its like wait, what?
Indeed! I'm going to take it to 120% just cause I have lots of spare feathers and treasure so why not, especially considering its a very nice set of armor. And hey 120% is still pretty darn cheap by standards. >OwO>
xD I have the worst luck and it even transfers to things others craft for me! xD
Thanks a bunch Mariah! Now off to send it to the Traveler for a little spit shine.
Lucky duck! 2 crafts is such a quick turn around. OwO Its really nice of you to craft them for folks cause that armour is sooo good if you're a heavy wielder. Not quite on par with your amazing Legend armor but hey... xD
And very much so! With those lumps the armor can finally be crafted! OwO
*Is hit with anodized aluminum.* Ooof! *Teeth go flying.* xD
Thank you for making the plate armour for me on such random, and short notice! I've been trying to get that schema for myself and ten crafts later its like, "Ha no..."
Whoops! My tired brain thought it was okay. xD *Shifty eyes.* Sorry! </3