Viewing Saeran's Profile
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i have been playing this god forsaken furry game for far too long.
Villagers 28
Gallery 8
Sapphire Gembound Plush x1
Sea Turtle Dragon Plush x1
Snow Dragon Plush x1
Furvilla Sticker Pack Series 1 x1
Nesting Harpy Eagle (Female)
Terra Pangolin (Female)
Classic African Wild Dog (Female)
Legacy Shield of Discourse (875/875)
The fact that it was unintentional was what made it so hilarious.
But what if I /really/ want to send you a friend a request?
AHHH delete my uh-oh as I posted with Oliver instead of Chatot. ;;
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Thanks for the FD! I really appreciate it c: Thank you for the kind message as well <3
asdfhgfjjlk thats one way to get rid of them
Thanks for the sword :o
thanks! (?)