Viewing dog_plague's Profile

User ID: #180017
Username: dog_plague
Gender: Female
Last Online: 1 Apr 2022, 9:22 am
Registered: 22 Apr 2020, 4:48 pm
Username: dog_plague
Gender: Female
Last Online: 1 Apr 2022, 9:22 am
Registered: 22 Apr 2020, 4:48 pm

Profile description

taken (she doesn't play)
usually active daily
Xbox 1
bored very easily...
scared of feral ghouls :)
I'm fine with seeing gore and other 18+ things
pretty mature, depends on your point of view
huge Fallout fan
games I play: Fallout 4, Skyrim, GTA V, Horizon ZD, Fallout Shelter, castle cats, Plague.INC, Fallout: New Vegas, DOOM (2016), DOOM Eternal, DOOM 3, DOOM (classic)
Shows I like: Invader Zim, Futurama, Gravity Falls, Children's Hospital, Rick and Morty, Mr. Pickles, Brooklyn 99
Movies I like: Invader Zim: Enter the Flourpus, Pet Semetary (new and old), Dreamcatcher, anything horror or Stephen King related
books: WoF, Warriors, anything Stephen King, Rabid, The Saturday Evening Post
I'm VERY impatient, I have been constantly looking at my paintie Queue to see if an admin has approved or rejected it... such as, I'll get on only to check if it has been approved so others can see what I worked hard on.

Well, that's good. Also, hope your trip is good, wherever you're going.
Aw man, that sucks. I don't think schools understand the perseverance of us these days though, heh.
Oh, that's sweet. Wish I could do that. But I use a chromebook and it lowkey sucks. Is your WiFi bad or something at your school?
Yeah, my school blocks literally everything. It sucks. I take it yours doesn't as much?
Haha yeah, I'm listening to it right now.
Doom is the best, I love it too.
I'll let ya know when it's done~ ^^
Would you be aight if I drew ya sona Arrow~? :>
Also I misread your comment, lol.
I play on both PC n console. It was just console for the longest time but I ha d recently bought New Vegas on steam so I play that on PC now~
I believe the first two are only on CDs, so he plays on a PC. ^^