Viewing Runebook's Profile
User ID: #174965
Username: Runebook
Gender: Male
Last Online: 21 Dec 2024, 3:05 pm
Registered: 5 Mar 2020, 7:52 pm
Username: Runebook
Gender: Male
Last Online: 21 Dec 2024, 3:05 pm
Registered: 5 Mar 2020, 7:52 pm
Profile description
28 | Digital Artist | Local Nutcase | Demiromantic/Asexual
Toyhouse | Discord (Ask)
Queerplatonic partners with KaiSkelyx
For Mods - I currently share an IP with xXUnknownAurtherXx
Favored Village: Olde Foxbury
Favorite Anthros (In Order): Deer | Centaurs/Naga | Bear
Primary Careers (In Order): Cook | Doctor | Alchemist
While I don't accept random friend requests I do like attempting to interact with peopleeven though I suck at it lol so I don't mind being PM/DMed, just keep in mind that I do curse/swear casually all the time if I'm not at least partially masking and comfortable.
I also tend to be overly open about everything
Always Wanted
- DMM Festival Cooking bundles/platters & Ingredients
- Expired food
57/100 Worker Slots (Food Drive not counted)
Toyhouse | Discord (Ask)
Queerplatonic partners with KaiSkelyx
For Mods - I currently share an IP with xXUnknownAurtherXx
Favored Village: Olde Foxbury
Favorite Anthros (In Order): Deer | Centaurs/Naga | Bear
Primary Careers (In Order): Cook | Doctor | Alchemist
While I don't accept random friend requests I do like attempting to interact with people
I also tend to be overly open about everything
Always Wanted
- DMM Festival Cooking bundles/platters & Ingredients
- Expired food
57/100 Worker Slots (Food Drive not counted)
Villagers 140
Gallery 13
Digital Artist Button x1
Asexual Pride Button x1
Transgender Pride Button x1
He/Him Pronoun Button x1
2020 Tourney Champion Emblem x1
Squire Gem Raptor Plush x1
Haunted Skull x1
Reclaimed Skull x98
Yes, I did mess up the type of scarf. Thank you, what can I give you in return? Do you want some frogaments or Pirglets?
Just thanking you for pumping out food in your stall. Reached my goal for this month with ease <3
Sup boi I know what you are up to bud~ drawing that good good art
whoops, thank you for the info! can't say I'm surprised, but good to know for the future ^^"
Ty for the gift, it means a lot :)
Oh my god, thank you so much for the coins!! That's a lot!
Well even looking in your comment section tells me how many people you’ve helped, I like to give back to those who give a lot. “One good deed..” kind of thing lol
Thank you for the coins.
Thank so much for coins!
Thank you so much <3