Viewing Zipzap's Profile

User ID: #17054
Username: Zipzap
Gender: Male
Last Online: 9 Aug 2016, 1:07 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 11:16 pm
Username: Zipzap
Gender: Male
Last Online: 9 Aug 2016, 1:07 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 11:16 pm
This user has no trophies.
Profile description
Just some guy trying to make medicine to help other players.
If you need any Cooling Salves (100%) urgently but can't afford buying from my stall, send me a message! If you give me the necessary ingredients, I'll do it for free. Just keep in mind that I might be working on other medicine first!
Just some guy trying to make medicine to help other players.
If you need any Cooling Salves (100%) urgently but can't afford buying from my stall, send me a message! If you give me the necessary ingredients, I'll do it for free. Just keep in mind that I might be working on other medicine first!
no problem! doctors are in high demand so I thought you wouldn't want to sell yourself short :3
hey friend I saw you're selling your medicine for really low prices, so I wanted to tell you that medicine of the quality you have can go for as much as 600 fc!