Viewing cute's Profile

User ID: #14945
Username: cute
Gender: Female
Last Online: 22 Dec 2024, 3:24 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 9:08 pm
Username: cute
Gender: Female
Last Online: 22 Dec 2024, 3:24 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 9:08 pm

Profile description

hey hey i'm abel
26 / female
i will collect all the chibis and be the Queen of Cute™
to whom it may concern you have my permission to use the item art for abel's folly in any painties, vistas, profiles or other furvilla-related materials. i would just kindly ask that you not use the item art in things like fur idol, which should be composed of all of your own work. in those scenarios, please redraw the concept in your own style.
thank you!
da ✧ fa ✧ th
Villagers 66
Gallery 37
Legacy Sword of Discourse (4294967295/4294967295)
Legacy Shield of Discourse (4294967295/4294967295)
Angelic Costume x1
Abel's Folly (100%)
Gray Rhinacorn (Male)
Dark of Night Rhinacorn (Male)
Plated Rhinacorn (Male)
Rainbow Sparkle Rhinacorn (Male)
tee hee
big fan of your newest painties!!
Ooh alrighty! Lemme father up more funds and get back to ya then
Would you by any chance be up for trading your Lighthouses, Herbalist Pots, Spooky Mousey Doll, Blue Sugar Glider, and/or a Spotted Fennec?
your painties are adorable
Thanks for the purchase.
hewwo I miss you
damb nice snag on the name
Hi cute, lovely to see your face again on FV <3
Really did miss your presence although I will admit I recently got back into FV since I have time now.