Viewing Dementiary's Profile

User ID: #142921
Username: Dementiary
Gender: Androgyne
Last Online: 18 Dec 2020, 1:56 pm
Registered: 27 Jul 2019, 9:00 pm
Username: Dementiary
Gender: Androgyne
Last Online: 18 Dec 2020, 1:56 pm
Registered: 27 Jul 2019, 9:00 pm

Profile description
Quit, changed my password and forgot it. I forgot to give away/raffle my costumes and money so they'll be staying here with me until the end of time ^^
Villagers 7
Gallery 7
Bundle of Turkey Feathers x1
Discarded Vintage Autograph x1
Maple Pancake of the Sea (Male)
Green Ray (Male)
Magic Ray Moth Sticker x1
Blueberry Pancake of the Sea (Female)
Fancy Plant Drink x3
Lmao thank you anons for the items! ^^
~From a fellow fae
I have a bunch of stuff in my stalls, plus I have lots of extra FDE pets from this year (not this month yet though). Plus warrior drops from several villages. Not sure what tou might like best.
Thank you!
My condolences.