Viewing Treefrog's Profile
User ID: #138678
Username: Treefrog
Gender: Female
Last Online: 18 Sep 2022, 11:09 pm
Registered: 28 Jun 2019, 7:19 pm
Username: Treefrog
Gender: Female
Last Online: 18 Sep 2022, 11:09 pm
Registered: 28 Jun 2019, 7:19 pm
all the different trees!! hello my fellow tree
Ahh, it was nice talking to you, too. Have fun where ever you are going.
~Cheers (I should end everything with cheers now)
You like Astro? Thank you, Astro is actually one of my favorite secondary characters (and I don't do much on TH except make characters and get characters and stuff)
Its the same as here. E v e r y t h i n g i s
Oh my... I have sooo many characters, most of which I cannot draw. But, for those characters I do have art on, I have on my TH, if you'd like to see it.
Aaa, super cool! I'd sell commissions, but I'm not confident enough with my art and I lost my tablet pen (and thank you).
Oh, you're making a Paintie? For whom? Could I possibly see it later?
It's 4:30 AM and I need to stop watching Adam Ruins Everything and go to bed (but I w o n 't)
Hiccups pretty much happen when your diaphragm decides to be an ass, so there probably isn't a purpose for them
00f, that would get boring after a while (also I had H E L L I S H hiccups earlier, and my throat is suffering)