Viewing Houndstooth's Profile

User ID: #12733
Username: Houndstooth
Gender: Unspecified
Last Online: 11 Sep 2020, 12:56 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 7:15 pm
Username: Houndstooth
Gender: Unspecified
Last Online: 11 Sep 2020, 12:56 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 7:15 pm

Profile description
6/10 Villagers with Lore (varying levels of completion)
6/10 Bio or Worldbuilding Notes
4/10 Partial Lore
4/10 Complete Lore ( as complete as I feel like making it, at least)
Andromeda - Short blurb, notes, no lore (Idk, I keep thinking the paintie is done but then I look at it again and go 'eeh maybe not')
Bloodstone - Nothing (Paintie in Progress)
Breadstick - Complete lore (No paintie planned)
Connor - Complete lore and notes + Paintie
Mearthax - Notes, no lore or blurb (Paintie in Progress)
Scorpio - Blurb only (Paintie in Progress)
Super Flash Lighning - Complete lore and notes (No paintie planned)
Trevor - Blurb and notes, no lore (Paintie in Progress)
Xiraa - Blurb only (Paintie in Progress)
He Who Came Before - Complete lore and notes (Save me from paintie hell)
Marlon - Nothing, still hammering out his backstory (Paintie is not started)
Midnight - Nothing. (Waiting for Scrapwood Dala base)
Nikolai - Slowly adding lore + Paintie
Villager to-do list:
Merrick (Herbalist. Secretary Bird)
Tammarisk (Sagittari Warrior)
Zhou (Sagittari Animal Husbandry)
Furaha (Donkey, maybe animal husbandry or crafter? idk man)
Seashell (Horse, needs a different base. Herbalist or Husbandry)
Thunder (Horse, needs another good base. idk, maybe warrior)
Scotch (Sagittari or Bear, Animal Husbandry)
Brandy (Saggittari or Cat, Animal Husbandry)
I love how my village has gone from 'a bunch of random ocs + 2 villagers that are here solely for their colors' to 'hey let's make the entire cast of my first headworld!'
Plus all these frickers need painties...and Tammarisk and Zhou need some major edits @ A@ I might make them last. Or you know, I could just start them now. Them and their excessive amount of chainmail. God I hate chainmail.
1/17 Painties Complete & Uploaded
100/1700 FD for Painties Gathered
100/1700 FD used uploading Painties
CSS by Whipptail!
6/10 Bio or Worldbuilding Notes
4/10 Partial Lore
4/10 Complete Lore ( as complete as I feel like making it, at least)
Andromeda - Short blurb, notes, no lore (Idk, I keep thinking the paintie is done but then I look at it again and go 'eeh maybe not')
Bloodstone - Nothing (Paintie in Progress)
Breadstick - Complete lore (No paintie planned)
Connor - Complete lore and notes + Paintie
Mearthax - Notes, no lore or blurb (Paintie in Progress)
Scorpio - Blurb only (Paintie in Progress)
Super Flash Lighning - Complete lore and notes (No paintie planned)
Trevor - Blurb and notes, no lore (Paintie in Progress)
Xiraa - Blurb only (Paintie in Progress)
He Who Came Before - Complete lore and notes (Save me from paintie hell)
Marlon - Nothing, still hammering out his backstory (Paintie is not started)
Midnight - Nothing. (Waiting for Scrapwood Dala base)
Nikolai - Slowly adding lore + Paintie
Villager to-do list:
Merrick (Herbalist. Secretary Bird)
Tammarisk (Sagittari Warrior)
Zhou (Sagittari Animal Husbandry)
Furaha (Donkey, maybe animal husbandry or crafter? idk man)
Seashell (Horse, needs a different base. Herbalist or Husbandry)
Thunder (Horse, needs another good base. idk, maybe warrior)
Scotch (Sagittari or Bear, Animal Husbandry)
Brandy (Saggittari or Cat, Animal Husbandry)
I love how my village has gone from 'a bunch of random ocs + 2 villagers that are here solely for their colors' to 'hey let's make the entire cast of my first headworld!'
Plus all these frickers need painties...
1/17 Painties Complete & Uploaded
100/1700 FD for Painties Gathered
100/1700 FD used uploading Painties
CSS by Whipptail!
OH dw!! i can send it back if necessary
The story is, the villager based off my mentally impaired cat was rejected three times for no reason and people said maybe it's head was too small so I experimented and made this guy with no head so idk- his head was not too small apparently.
Haha thanks so much for your reaction! What were you expecting?
Thank you for the leech blood! <3