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Viewing StrawberryFloof's Profile

User ID: #11144
Username: StrawberryFloof
Gender: Female
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 5:57 pm

Profile description

Keep being awesome! Keep being you!

Formerly Stellarhyena and SamTheHusky

Permanently quitting furvilla.

Villagers 57

Comments 445

    • Sad to see you go! Hope your adventures elsewhere are just as fun as your time here.

      *insert woody so long partner image*

    • Sorry to see you leave! You are such a kind person and I know you will be remembered. Wishing you well! ^^

    • saw your thread, although I hope your days are good, you will be remembered (at least by me) as a big part of the game!

    • I'm sorry to see you go, I hope life treats you well! :)

    • Hey there! Saw your thread, I’m sorry to hear you go. Thank you so much for all the kindness and everything you’ve done! You’re awesome! :D

    • I don't want to clog the thread, so I'll say it here. thank you for the villager! they will be cherished :)

    • yo, dude! I was wondering if u were still doing the fd for fc trades? I have a few fd i'd like to trade if so ^^

    • aw, ty! and happy new year to u too! <3

    • ¡ Thank you ! Your painties are amazing too, we've liked a bunch of them

    • Thank you so much!

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