Viewing Enoch's Profile
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Villagers 0
Gallery 7
Black Friday Boots x1
Black Friday Coat x1
Black Friday Hat x1
Black Friday Scarf x1
Glimmering Gown x1
Twinkling Tux x1
Poor Bea has been literally eating soup all morning. And all night ....
Yisss. It's probably one of my favorite drawings of Bea right now. XD And I knnnowwww I've been literally staring at my e-mail waiting - although I knew she said the 23rd BUTSTILL.
sadly, out of those too, trying to get the kitsunes. :") good luck tho!
EEEEE YOU'RE WELCOME!! Donburi made the doodle in that forum post "draw the villager above you badly"... It's AMAZING. 0U0 ALSO, I'll need getting my kiwiggle sketch on the 23rd.
looking back at that comment...
72k is enough for a few fursuits. if i owned DappyV i'd spend it on one =w=
It's okay! I'm not sure what happened with the other user but I don't hold any ill feelings towards them. Thank you for your efforts regardless!
Thank you! I'm very grateful for your assistance in obtaining a villager created on that date. ^_^
aww thank you ^^ yeah i grabbed the black, white, and gold tier
im gonan see if i can trade for a headstart key but either way i got a key! excited to see you on dappervolk :3
You're too kind!
Oh my gosh thank you ;;