Viewing RazzleBerryDazzle's Profile
User ID: #102779
Username: RazzleBerryDazzle
Gender: Female
Last Online: 26 May 2018, 2:42 pm
Registered: 8 Aug 2017, 11:11 pm
Username: RazzleBerryDazzle
Gender: Female
Last Online: 26 May 2018, 2:42 pm
Registered: 8 Aug 2017, 11:11 pm
Profile description
Art Gallery on My Villager Page! Click The Sign then Scroll Down for Pics!
Pleased to meet you! I'm Razz, an artist and a complete nerd for characters and character art. I love to do everything in-character when I can, so if you comment on any of my villagers you'll get a reply from them. If you comment on Razzle Berry Dazzle you'll get a reply from me because on Furvilla, I am she and she is me! I have a very immature sense of humor and tend to be pretty silly. This can make me hard to tolerate! The good side is if you are immature and silly I will probably not just tolerate you but encourage it so that we both get in trouble.
All my paintie art is by me, and I'm on a slow and steady quest to do pics of my villagers so that one day in the far-flung future they will all be 100% my own art! The estimated date this will happen is over ten billion years in the future.
I really enjoy Furvilla even tho it's so clicky-clicky (sometimes I click so much I just gotta stop clicking and walk away) with the customization options like custom painties and custom vistas being what really sold me on it and keep me interested. I hope they will add more customization options in the future and also make some of the villager jobs more in-depth. Even if they don't I'll still like it!
Anyway, that's me! If you have anything you want to contact me over feel free to message. I will admit I am not even sure what the friends list is really for (since someone doesn't have to be on it to be my friend) but I usually will accept a friend request as long as you're not evil! (Genuinely evil, that is, you can be evil in-character and that's fine with me.)
Have a wonderful day!
-Razzle Berry Dazzle the Berry Fairy Bear
Pleased to meet you! I'm Razz, an artist and a complete nerd for characters and character art. I love to do everything in-character when I can, so if you comment on any of my villagers you'll get a reply from them. If you comment on Razzle Berry Dazzle you'll get a reply from me because on Furvilla, I am she and she is me! I have a very immature sense of humor and tend to be pretty silly. This can make me hard to tolerate! The good side is if you are immature and silly I will probably not just tolerate you but encourage it so that we both get in trouble.
All my paintie art is by me, and I'm on a slow and steady quest to do pics of my villagers so that one day in the far-flung future they will all be 100% my own art! The estimated date this will happen is over ten billion years in the future.
I really enjoy Furvilla even tho it's so clicky-clicky (sometimes I click so much I just gotta stop clicking and walk away) with the customization options like custom painties and custom vistas being what really sold me on it and keep me interested. I hope they will add more customization options in the future and also make some of the villager jobs more in-depth. Even if they don't I'll still like it!
Anyway, that's me! If you have anything you want to contact me over feel free to message. I will admit I am not even sure what the friends list is really for (since someone doesn't have to be on it to be my friend) but I usually will accept a friend request as long as you're not evil! (Genuinely evil, that is, you can be evil in-character and that's fine with me.)
Have a wonderful day!
-Razzle Berry Dazzle the Berry Fairy Bear
Villagers 11
Gallery 8
Cuddly Pastel Sheep Plushie x6
Painted Bunicake Statue x8
Pretty Pink Meep Figurine x6
Paper Feesh x6
Magic Golden Carrot of Doom Sticker x6
2017 Retired Box x5
Mystery Kitsune Bag x1
Warrior's Mystery Bag x1
thank you for all the candy!
That would be fun indeed. Just gobbling up candy and sharing with each other ^w^
Oh Gosh, so much candy >w<
Thank you!
I just woke up to find myself buried under a pile of candy?!?! HA! Take that!
You're a genius! Happy Halloween!
Thanks for the candy! I'm totally not gonna eat it all in one sitting. -shifty eyes-
Thank you for the candy! I love the poem on your profile ^^
Thank you for the candy!! <333
Thank you for the candy! You are an angel! <3
Thank youu<33