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Viewing sylveonsnowplays's Profile

User ID: #101237
Username: sylveonsnowplays
Gender: Male
Last Online: 2 Jun 2024, 6:52 pm
Registered: 15 Jul 2017, 3:44 am

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Villagers 14

Comments 128

    • Your code is cool!!!

    • If you have no friends like me you can.

    • When you accidentally comment the whole Declaration of Independence.

    • *slams the door down*


    • Well, the last update DID happen over a year ago, so the fandom has quieted down, but don't think it is COMPLETELY dead, there's so much fanart and fanmusic created, even if the fandom seems dead, it's packed with tons of great stuff, and you'll find friends who are still into it

    • As a reply to what you said, thanks, I commissioned someone to make it for me, also I know where it is from, I just was quite intrigued to have found another homestuck fan

    • Oh? You have joined the fandom? Have you read the whole webcomic yet?

  • Comment has been hidden

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