Recent News
November is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Nov 2022, 3:06 am
Happy November everyone! Let's take a peek at the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the November FD Pets!
Round little bird time! The Kingfisher!
Say hello to an old friend! The Flutter Bandit!
The Mini-Mammoth! Soo fluffy!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until December 1st.
November Feast Minipets
It's the Stingtray Pie! Be sure to say hello!
New Animals to Collect!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 28 Oct 2022, 2:34 pm
Hi everyone!
Is your Menagerie craving new critters? Well, you are in luck. Several new animals have made themselves at home in the various villages in Furvilla!
The following animals have been permanently added to each village's animal collection pool:

Let's give a warm welcome to Mounturtle, Lepinathae, Treeple, Hermit Crab and Wyverling!
Villagers in the Animal Husbandry career will have a chance to collect these new friends by selecting any empty stable and choosing the option "collect here".
The village you reside in will determine the species of animal your villager will collect. Remember, you may collect animals already in your village's species pool, so it may take several tries to nab these new critters. You will also need to domesticate them before removing them from your stables.
These new animals are designated as a rare species, with 15 day cool-downs. By breeding, you will be able to collect uncommon, rare, and super rare colorations.
I hope you all find lots of new pals to join you on your journey!
- Aspen -
(My favourite is Treeple.)
New Explore Event!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 19 Oct 2022, 3:20 pm
Hi everyone!
I heard a rumor that part of the forests surrounding Furvilla have an abnormal amount of soot in them lately...

*cough, cough*
Villagers of the Explorer career have a chance to encounter this new permanent event while exploring in any village, so be on the lookout!
It looks difficult to see in there, be careful.
- Aspen -
October Is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Oct 2022, 2:19 am
Happy Spooktober everyone! Let's talk about the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the October FD Pets!
Havin' a hopping good time! The Rabbihat!
Say hello to an old friend! The Felilidae!
The Crested Pup! Strangely fancy...
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until November 1st.
October Feast Minipets
It's Living Popcorn! Be sure to say hello!
Spooky Scary Time!
Dress Up Time Part 14!
Posted by Mat on 15 Sep 2022, 5:24 pm

It's been a while but we're back...A new friend has come to town, so everybody say hello to the Feast Deer! Be sure to make this new Villager feel welcome!

Feast Deer is now available through the use of the Feast Costume on your lovely Deer villagers!
September Is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Sep 2022, 12:24 am
Happy September everyone! Let's check out the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the September FD Pets!
Careful, they're both soft and squishy, and sharp and pointy! The Unikitten!
Say hello to an old friend! The Grreal!
The Sonarphin! Not fish.
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until October 1st.
September Feast Minipets
It's the Octopop! Be sure to say hello!
It's almost time to Fall!
August Is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Aug 2022, 3:02 am
Happy August everyone! Time to take a peek at the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the August FD Pets!
Everyone loves a cuddly little sausage! The Dachshund Pup!
Say hello to an old friend! The Munny!
The Owlikit! Full of fluff and feathers!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until September 1st.
August Feast Minipets
It's the Fruit Leather Glider! Be sure to say hello!
Stay cool!
Contest Winners!
Posted by AdminAssistant on 15 Jul 2022, 6:46 am
Hello everyone! It is finally time to announce our contest winners! Thank you to everyone who entered the contests, we all loved seeing your entries! Lets get right to it, shall we?
Art Contest Winners
#1 snafflewyrm #20990
#2 @MillyCreation#186618
#3 MidoriOokami #92691
Paintie Contest Winners
#1 msjanny #7302
#2 snafflewyrm #20990
#3 GooseGooseRevolution #124027
#4 @Alewolf#14426
#5 StrayChowChow #31147
Mayor NPC Paintie Contest Winners
#1 GooseGooseRevolution #124027
Summer Octavia
#2 snafflewyrm #20990
Treasure Hunt Minstrel
#3 untoldultimatum #25007
Summer Ana
Vista Contest Winners
#1 snafflewyrm #20990
#2 msjanny #7302
#3 StrayChowChow #31147
#4 GooseGooseRevolution #124027
Writing Contest Winners
#1 Saeran #18096
Link to entry
#2 alias #133974
Link to entry
#3 CloudiiSunset #132116
Link to entry
Thank you to everyone again who participated! Prizes will be distributed shortly. All eligible winners can message AdminAssistant to claim their FD pet boxes and/or Chibi Shifty Sticker!
The winning vistas are available in the Recycling Shop for 250 Fur Gems.
That's all for now.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
☀ MOD-Thaleia ☀
Back from Downtime!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 11 Jul 2022, 6:05 pm
All Career Achievements Should Now be Obtainable as Intended.
Not sure what else you need to do to meet a goal? Missing requirements for Crafter, Cook, Alchemist, Tailor, and Blacksmith are now displayed on your Villager’s respective achievement redemption page! There is also now a "Recipe List" page showing which recipes are known and unknown to your Villager.
Hallowed Potion Recipe, Water of Life Recipe, and Pumpkin Fertilizer have been excluded from Alchemist achievement requirements.
For Blacksmiths, the “Repair Something” achievement has been designated as a legacy achievement.
Items which have not yet been released, as well as older Treasure Hunt festival recipes, should not count towards achievement requirements.
Previous Festival Recipes
In order to help newer players meet certain achievements and complete collections, we are re-releasing certain recipes from previous festivals.
DIY recipes from previous Grande Tourney festival events have been released in the Tourney Shop.
Recipes from previous Serpent Festivals have been released as rare drops from the Serpent’s Pot.
Heartfelt Red Panda Stone Recipe, Heartfelt Rodent Stone Recipe, and Heartfelt Snake Stone Recipe have been added to the Cottage Shoppe.
We have plans to re-release certain other older festival items, and are aware of player requests to do so. While we want new players to be able to complete collections and achievements, we also want older players to feel confident that their time obtaining festival items was well-spent. It will always be much easier to obtain items during their respective festivals, and not every item will be re-released.
As a reminder, festivals are scheduled to resume in 2023, with the Serpent Festival.
Feast Update
As of now, undistributed Feast animal prizes are no longer needed to complete your Menagerie. Undistributed Feast button prizes are also no longer required to complete your Button Book.
Quest Updates
We hope you are all having an awesome summer! To celebrate the season, the following new items have been added to the Quest Shop.

Let's go on a Quest!
Questing Trophies are here! You may now redeem trophies based on how many quests you have completed. If you have already accomplished the number of quests needed to receive a trophy, you may claim it today! Trophies will display on your user profile, and will only display if you choose to claim them.

Be a champion Quester today!
From now on, seeds will not be requested in quests or from the Plush Collector. The quantities of requested plants have been increased to reflect this change, and the Plush Collector will now also ask for plants.
Items which are asked for in quests are now tagged as such. Please be aware that questable status may fluctuate due to site balancing over time, especially as we revise and tweak other aspects of the site.
That is all for today!
- Quinn and Aspen -
Scheduled Downtime - July 11th - 3pm
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 8 Jul 2022, 4:51 pm
Hello, everyone!
Furvilla will be entering a scheduled maintenance mode this Monday, July 11th at 3pm, Furvilla Time.
During this time, we will be making various quality of life improvements and adding some new site content. We do not anticipate the downtime to take longer than 2-3 hours. Please plan accordingly.
Thank you!
-Aspen -