Recent News
January Is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Jan 2023, 6:58 am
Happy January everyone! Time to peek at the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the January FD Pets!
Legs! The Maned Wolf!
Say hello to an old friend! The Batpaca!
The Labrador! Bringing you a stick!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until February 1st.
January Feast Minipets
It's the Gummi Wurm! Be sure to say hello!
Happy 2023!
Birds are here!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 9 Dec 2022, 5:18 pm
A new Villager species, Bird, has come to Furvilla!

Feathered friends!
Twelve Bird colorations have been added to the site, as well as three brand new Corvid colorations!
Be sure to see them all in the Base and Recolor List.
Creating a Bird Villager
Bird Villagers may be created in three ways; by magic plush, magic sticker, or by morphing potion. Please note that "hen" colorations have nothing to do with any set gender, and any Bird Villager can be any birdie color. ♥
Bird Morphing Potion Recipe is now available in the Recycling Shop.

To craft this recipe, you will need various items acquired through gameplay, as well as Bluebird Feathers.

Ohhhh... that's what they are for...
Bluebird Feathers are awarded by curing villagers of the Bird species in the Clinic.
Magical Plush featuring Birds are also available as prizes from the Plush Collector. The new Corvid designs are there too!

Lookit all those cuties!
New items in Shops!
Magic Bird Sticker may be found in the FD Emporium.

"I turn any Villager into a Chibi Bird like me!"
You may find a new recipe for Tailors, Little Knitted Blackbird Recipe, in the Recycling Shop.

Blackbird fly!
New bird related items are also in the Cottage Shoppe!

Feed the Birds!

The item, Little Buddy Birdie Feeder is quite special and introduces a new daily activity! You may purchase this feeder in the Cottage Shoppe.
You may equip the feeder to your Daily Streak page to attract birds of all sorts. Each day you log in, up to 10 days, you increase your chances of collecting various rarities of prizes, including these new items...

Don't worry, once your feeder is equipped, you won't lose it for missing a log-in, it will just reset to day one. There is also no limit to the amount of feeders a user may equip.
You also may be lucky enough to attract a Birdorchest! This openable's contents vary in value, ranging from certain past festival magic plushes to a fine assortment of sky rocks.

Is it worth it to open? That is up to you.
Welcome, Birds!
- Aspen -
Happy Sixth Annifursary!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 7 Dec 2022, 1:09 pm
Happy Sixth Annifursary!
Along with the trophy and a few bits and baubles, the above link will also award you two of these adorable Annifursary Collies!

Bark bark bark bark bark bark!
The Traveler has whipped up a very special beverage for the occasion, Bubbly Blue Fruit Juice! He will be selling it in the Fair Exchange until the end of the year. It may cost a bit more than it should... but the hyena tells me it is a good deal, as it never expires!

Celebrate in style.
While digging around in the dark, deep warehouses of Furvilla, (yes, there is such a place - you don't want to go there), we found some strange Bluebird Feathers. A little birdie told me that I should distribute a few to all of you, as they may be useful quite soon.

Da ba dee!
Scheduled Downtime
The celebration doesn't stop today! We will be having a Scheduled Downtime on Friday, December 9th at 1pm Furvilla Time in order to add new site content. We anticipate this downtime to last a few hours. Please plan accordingly!
Thank you all for playing Furvilla!
- Aspen -
December is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Dec 2022, 12:36 am
Happy December everyone! Time to take a look at the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the December FD Pets!
Round little cat time! The Pallas Cat!
Say hello to an old friend! The Dunk!
The Dobhar-chu! Swimming your way!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until January 1st.
December Feast Minipets
It's the Gingerbird! Be sure to say hello!
Black Jade Week!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 20 Nov 2022, 4:26 pm
The Furvilla Black Jade Week will run from now until November 27th, 2022 at 11:59pm, Furvilla time!
FD Sale and Gembound Stone Bonus
Every purchase of FD will result in a 50% extra bonus!
In addition to the FD bonus, certain bundles will award you a quantity of Black Jade Gembound Stones, which will transform any villager into a Black Jade Gembound.
We have prepared the following special bundles just for Black Jade Week.
- $4.99 -
750FD (up from 500FD)
- $9.99 -
1575FD (up from 1050FD)
- $19.99 -
3225FD (up from 2150FD)
+1 Black Jade Gembound Stone
- $49.99 -
8250FD (up from 5500FD)
+2 Black Jade Gembound Stones
- $99.99 -
17250FD (up from 11500FD)
+5 Black Jade Gembound Stones

Just dance!
Furdollar Emporium Special Items
The following items will be for sale in the FurDollar Emporium through November 27th.

Remember, the above items appear in the Furdollar Emporium every year during Black Jade Week.
Special Explore Event
While out exploring, you will again encounter our dear panther pal, Xaender Van Buckles (but do remember, his friends call him "Buck"). He just can't wait to visit with you and maybe even share some special gifts, including a few new items this year!

Buck is so generous!
Black Jade and Black Friday Clothing!
Black Jade and Black Friday clothing may be either purchased in a gift box from the FurDollar Emporium, or purchased individually from the Fair Exchange for FC until the end of the event.

Fair Exchange Special
The following items in the Fair Exchange are HALF OFF for Black Jade week only:

Sack O' The Secret Ingredient (Originally 450000) - SALE 225000
Assorted Magical Kangaroo Plushes (Originally 25000 each) - SALE 12500 each

DOUBLE EXP in All Battlegrounds!
Double EXP in all battlegrounds is back for the duration of Black Jade Week! Let's show those monsters who's boss, 'kay?
Furvilla's Merch Shop Giveaway!
We are once again giving away physical Black Rose and Lilac Rose Gembound stickers with certain purchases from our Merch Shop. You will also receive an in-game code for the Magic version to redeem on the site.

- Spend $30 - receive each style Gembound sticker & code.
- Spend $40 - receive each style Gembound sticker & code, plus 1 at random.
- Spend $60 - receive 2 sets of each style Gembound sticker & code!
*This pattern will continue on larger orders, with no limit. Spending tiers represent cart total before shipping charges. Giveaway stickers are based on single transaction amounts. Offer available while supplies last.
PLEASE NOTE Furvilla's Merch shop will be closing temporarily after the event, while shipping staff attends Midwest FurFest. We will open up again in early December!
Thank you for your Support
Thank you for playing Furvilla, and please enjoy this special mini event.
I hope that each of you reading this are happy and well, and that your holiday season is joyous, no matter who you are. Be sure to spread as much love as you can in this dark world, and be authentically you. <3
- Aspen -
Doctor Update now Live!
Posted by Owner-Quinn on 5 Nov 2022, 9:03 pm
Hi everyone! We are so delighted to announce the release of our Doctor Career Update! This post will be a long one, you may wish to grab a cup of tea.
You may now access the Clinic from your Doctors' career pages.

We proudly to introduce Doctor Elsbeth Blackwing, a traveling physician who will refer patients to your Clinic.
To see patients, you need to designate a Doctor as on call. Once a Doctor takes call duty, they must remain on call for at least 6 hours. Only one of your Doctors can be on call at a time, and only after their minimum shift is over can they either end their shift or be relieved.
Sick patients will appear in the Clinic's Sick Ward. Some only require one treatment, while others require multiple treatments from different doctors. Each patient's chart will show you pertinent patient information, including illness and treatment required, as well as the payment you will receive for curing them.
Once a patient is fully treated, they will then be transferred to Discharges where your Doctor can send them home and collect payment. Patients can only be discharged by the Doctors that treated them. Although your treated patients won't ever disappear, it is good practice to discharge all your patients before ending a call shift.
In addition to payment, there are other rewards for treating patients. There is a Leader Board that will show which Doctors have treated the most patients. As promised, progress obtained during the Beta test has been retained, which had been capped at 500.
In addition, Doctors are now eligible for new Achievements on their career achievement page.

Something to hang in your office!

There's special prizes from Dr Blackwing too!
New patients will be admitted at random times, but you can count on a group arriving on the hour every hour. To help you keep track, an icon representing the Clinic will turn yellow when new patients have arrived in the past 10 minutes. Clicking that icon will take you directly to the Clinic page.
Many rewards are possible when you cure patients, including Magic Beans Seed Packet and various Chunks.

More on the chunks above in a moment, but first let's talk about the Magic Bean Seed Packet. When opening a packet, you will be awarded with a random number of Magic Beans, up to six if you are very lucky! These beans may be grown by Herbalists to create Beanstalks, a vital ingredient to craft new items!

Green is always in style.
New Item Type: Curios
When curing a rarer disease, Doctors may receive an animal carving as a reward.

These animal carvings are nice, but they need a bit more... something.

Ahh, that is much prettier!
Curios are a new type of item that you can collect and use. When you attach a Curio to a Villager, you will receive a special buff in addition to buffs similar to what you would obtain from a buffed outfit or keepsake. Curios may also provide stats in battle! Each animal has been specially tailored to specific careers.
Please note, Warrior stats given by Curios are disregarded in the Standard Tourney. In addition, we are planning an update to the Standard Tourney banned list later this year. Admin-Wisteria will be running a test and feedback forum later this month.
Curios are difficult to craft, and in many cases will require the efforts of many Villagers, as well as help from friends in other Villages to obtain the items you need to craft them. Don't be discouraged! With time and teamwork, anything is possible in Furvilla!
Take heed! Removing a Curio from a Villager will cause it to revert to its original carving form, and you will need to craft the buffed version again. Before you decide to give one of these valuable items to your Villager, be sure you'd like it to stay on that Villager. Currently, the only exception to this rule is the special Curio you will receive by earning a diamond doctor trophy, Elsbeth Blackwing's Broach.
Each player has been given a Curio Case, visible on your user profile, where you may display and store your crafted Curios for all to see.
Quest Shop Updates
As of now, all medicines have been permanently removed from Quests to help you to focus on curing patients.
Many new Items have been added to the Quest Shop, including the recipes you will need to create Curios.



You will also find recipes that require the Magic Beans you will earn by curing patients.

Thank you for your patience with the downtime, and while we worked on this very much needed update. As always, please report any bugs you find in the bug forums, and Quinn will do his best to stomp them out.
More to come!
- Quinn and Aspen -
Downtime Adjusted
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 5 Nov 2022, 12:43 pm
Hi everyone!
We are still planning scheduled downtime for today, but want to finish up a few details first. Downtime has been shifted to start around 2:00PM Furvilla time today, give or take a bit.
Really looking forward to sharing this big update with you all!
- Aspen -
Scheduled downtime Saturday Nov. 5th 12:00 noon
Posted by Owner-Quinn on 2 Nov 2022, 4:23 pm
Hey furriends!
Saturday, November 5th, around 12:00 noon Furvilla time.
This will be a relatively long downtime as we upload and test site updates. We expect this to take several hours. Please plan accordingly, thank you!
November is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Nov 2022, 3:06 am
Happy November everyone! Let's take a peek at the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the November FD Pets!
Round little bird time! The Kingfisher!
Say hello to an old friend! The Flutter Bandit!
The Mini-Mammoth! Soo fluffy!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until December 1st.
November Feast Minipets
It's the Stingtray Pie! Be sure to say hello!
New Animals to Collect!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 28 Oct 2022, 2:34 pm
Hi everyone!
Is your Menagerie craving new critters? Well, you are in luck. Several new animals have made themselves at home in the various villages in Furvilla!
The following animals have been permanently added to each village's animal collection pool:

Let's give a warm welcome to Mounturtle, Lepinathae, Treeple, Hermit Crab and Wyverling!
Villagers in the Animal Husbandry career will have a chance to collect these new friends by selecting any empty stable and choosing the option "collect here".
The village you reside in will determine the species of animal your villager will collect. Remember, you may collect animals already in your village's species pool, so it may take several tries to nab these new critters. You will also need to domesticate them before removing them from your stables.
These new animals are designated as a rare species, with 15 day cool-downs. By breeding, you will be able to collect uncommon, rare, and super rare colorations.
I hope you all find lots of new pals to join you on your journey!
- Aspen -
(My favourite is Treeple.)