Recent News
Posted by AdminAssistant on 1 Jun 2022, 10:55 am
A whole bunch of new contests are up and running!
Make sure to check them out in the Official Contests forum!
That's all for now.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
☀ MOD-Thaleia ☀
June Is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Jun 2022, 1:05 am
Happy June everyone! Let's take a look at the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the June FD Pets!
Round friends that live under the sea! Tiny Sharks!
Say hello to an old friend! The Topifairy!
Suchilla! One of them has a cool hat!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until July 1st.
June Feast Minipets
Have a great day/night!
Posted by AdminAssistant on 28 May 2022, 12:32 pm
I have created 3 polls for users to vote on the next themes for the upcoming new contests! The top results will be used for the contests, and because I'm sure people will ask about it, Pride Month is already a theme I decided that shall be done! The polls will remain open until the 31st of May! Make sure to vote before then.
Poll 1
Poll 2
Poll 3
That's all for now.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
☀ MOD-Thaleia ☀
Contest Winners!
Posted by AdminAssistant on 27 May 2022, 3:53 am
I'm happy to announce we have our contest winners! Thank you to everyone who entered the contests, we all loved seeing your entries! Now without further ado here are the winners.
Art Contest Winners
#1 Tsareena#210555
#2 AliceSchattenkind#198470
#3 GooseGooseRevolution#124027
Vista Contest Winners
#1 Zjero#67921
#2 Pleb#42989
#3 AliceSchattenkind#198470
#4 Voxeu#208523
Paintie Contest Winners
#1 Tsareena#210555
#2 GooseGooseRevolution#124027
#3 Falorie#33164
#4 OreoQueen#101904
#5 Joey-wyvern#105056
Writing Contest Winners
#1 Calib#11418
Entry Link
#2 Saeran#18096
Entry Link
#3 katethemarten#32870
Entry Link
Congratulations to all of our winners! Prizes will be distributed shortly. If you are eligible for 3 FDE Pet Boxes or Magic Chibi Shifty Sticker please make sure to message AdminAssistant with your choices! The winning vistas have been added to the Recycling Shop.
That's all for now.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
☀ MOD-Thaleia ☀
May Is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 May 2022, 12:22 am
Happy May everyone! Check out the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the May FD Pets!
Friends that live under the ground! Moles!
Say hello to an old friend! The Jelliquarium!
Rose Aarwolves! They come with bountiful bouquets!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until June 1st.
May Feast Minipets
May you have a wonderful month!
Posted by AdminAssistant on 15 Apr 2022, 7:28 am
A whole bunch of new contests are up and running!
Make sure to check them out in the Official Contests forum!
That's all for now.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
☀ MOD-Thaleia ☀
April Is Here!!!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Apr 2022, 12:06 am
Happy April everyone! Take a look at the new 1st of the month stuff!
New Minipets
Check out the April FD Pets!
Bloomerific little friends! Floralions!
Say hello to an old friend! The Bauble Crab!
Peacocks! The most fanciful of fantails!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until May 1st.
April Feast Minipets
Don't be too foolish!
Downtime Complete!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 11 Mar 2022, 11:52 pm
Hi everyone!
We are back from our scheduled downtime, and have quite a few things to announce! This is gonna' be a long one... better get a snack.
Medicines Now Stack
In preparation for the release of the Clinic later this year, medicines crafted by Doctors have been reworked.
• Any medicines that are crafted or mixed to 100% potency will now be created as a stackable item. This means once a Doctor masters a recipe, their medicines will conveniently stack together!
• Any previously existing medicines of 100% potency have now become “Legacy” medicines. Legacy medicines remain uniquely unstackable.
• If desired, any Legacy medicine can be individually converted to stackable from the inventory. This cannot be undone.
• Medicines of less than 100% potency are still created unstackable.
• If two low-potency medicines are mixed to produce a 100% potency medicine, the resulting medicine will be stackable.
• Quests that ask for medicine will now only take the 100% potency stackable version of medicine.
• When the Clinic is released, any form of a medicine will be accepted by patients regardless of potency and legacy status. Thus, your Legacy and low potency medicine will still have a use. So keep that in mind when you convert and mix medicines.
There is potential for bugs here, so if you notice anything not working as intended, please let Quinn know in the bug report forum.
2022 Plans and Village Festival Pause
I want to take this opportunity be very transparent and let you all in on what our plans are for the remainder of 2022 here in Furvilla. Typically, each village has it's very own festival every year. This year, however, is going to be a bit different.
Currency from festivals will still be good in future years, and the gameplay of festivals are not anticipated to change, unless to be expanded upon.
Why has this decision been made?
When Quinn and I took over Furvilla back in late 2018, we had some big dreams for quality of life improvements and other expansions. While we have been able to realize many of these projects, our need for art assets has intensified beyond our capacity to provide for both these needs on top of festival needs.
Instead of slogging along with site improvements while festivals suck up our time and assets, we've decided to re-prioritize permanent site improvements over temporary festivals.
We have scheduled our current incredible artists to work on tasks other than festival prizes and assets. Behind the scenes, we've already procured quite a bit of amazing work that we will be able to release throughout the year in lieu of festivals.

Here is just a small sampling of the type of content coming over the next few months!
Our first major release will be the re-vamped Doctor Career and Clinic, scheduled to fully release this year.
New Daily
You know that sign over in Town Hall? That one that's been there?

Coming Soon (tm)

We have been hard at work on a new daily which will award a mountain of prizes, as sampled above. I hear it's going to be run by a rarely-seen NPC already from Furvilla... can you guess who?

Battlefield Refresh and Expansion
We have several plans for the Warrior career's battlefields. Our first project will be refreshing and revamping The Abyss. Also in development is a ladder-like battleground that will get more difficult as you progress though the ranks of creatures inside.

Too terrifying to even preview! Eek!
We will also be bringing back some previously released fearsome felines in a permanent battlefield that will challenge the most hardened of Warriors!

The CATS are coming back... and they've brought reinforcements!
Also in development...
While I am always reluctant to give away too much of what we have planned, (unless it is with absolute certainty), here are a few other little snippets of what we have slated to tackle in 2022...
• Construction career clean-up.
• The Clawtooth Bazaar, a traveling fair where you will be able to trade with the citizens of Clawtooth for special and rare goods.
• Paintie Marketplace - An easy, buyer and artist friendly way to buy and sell painties.
• Species addition and expansion.
• Explore event graphics and expansion.
• Additional Quest prizes.
• Many quality of life improvements.
• And more (tm).
That's all I can really share for now.
Daily Wheel Expansion
OH! I almost forgot... As of now, over 50 new items have been added to Daily Wheel boxes. I hope you will enjoy discovering these new prizes!

Thank you so much for playing Furvilla. We hope that you will enjoy everything we have in store for you this year!
- Quinn and Aspen -
Downtime Friday March 11 at 9 PM
Posted by Owner-Quinn on 10 Mar 2022, 12:03 am
We will be going into scheduled downtime at this Friday, March 11 at 9 PM Furvilla time.
The purpose of this downtime will be to update code related to the Clinic, as well as a minor update to quests. I anticipate it to take about 2 hours.
Note that any pending Quests will be cleared during the downtime to avoid potential bugs.
Thank you!
Shamrock HUNT!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 8 Mar 2022, 1:22 pm
Warm winds are finally blowing into Furvilla, and Spring is right around the corner! To celebrate, your Explorers can participate in the Great Shamrock Hunt from now until March 31st!

Collecting shamrocks is easy! All you need to do is explore and you will find shamrocks everywhere. Collect 77 of them to craft a special Lucky 4 Leaf Clover using a Lucky Magic Recipe, which can be purchased in the Cottage Shoppe, along with its older counterparts. This recipe can be learned by Crafters.

Your Lucky 4 Leaf Clover can be held by a villager as a keepsake, or you can open it to try your luck at receiving one of the following items:

New to Furvilla, or wish to re-make past Shamrock Hunt items? No worries, you can always pick up older Magic Recipes, Rainbow and Golden, from the Cottage Shoppe!
Upcoming Downtime and other Announcements
We've been a bit quieter here on Furvilla, while we plan some upcoming major content releases. Owner-Quinn will be making a downtime announcement a little later this week, so make sure you keep an eye on the news!

In the meantime, have a bean tease.
Happy Shamrock hunting, and good luck to you all!
- Aspen -