Recent News
Downtime Friday March 11 at 9 PM
Posted by Owner-Quinn on 10 Mar 2022, 12:03 am
We will be going into scheduled downtime at this Friday, March 11 at 9 PM Furvilla time.
The purpose of this downtime will be to update code related to the Clinic, as well as a minor update to quests. I anticipate it to take about 2 hours.
Note that any pending Quests will be cleared during the downtime to avoid potential bugs.
Thank you!
Shamrock HUNT!
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 8 Mar 2022, 1:22 pm
Warm winds are finally blowing into Furvilla, and Spring is right around the corner! To celebrate, your Explorers can participate in the Great Shamrock Hunt from now until March 31st!

Collecting shamrocks is easy! All you need to do is explore and you will find shamrocks everywhere. Collect 77 of them to craft a special Lucky 4 Leaf Clover using a Lucky Magic Recipe, which can be purchased in the Cottage Shoppe, along with its older counterparts. This recipe can be learned by Crafters.

Your Lucky 4 Leaf Clover can be held by a villager as a keepsake, or you can open it to try your luck at receiving one of the following items:

New to Furvilla, or wish to re-make past Shamrock Hunt items? No worries, you can always pick up older Magic Recipes, Rainbow and Golden, from the Cottage Shoppe!
Upcoming Downtime and other Announcements
We've been a bit quieter here on Furvilla, while we plan some upcoming major content releases. Owner-Quinn will be making a downtime announcement a little later this week, so make sure you keep an eye on the news!

In the meantime, have a bean tease.
Happy Shamrock hunting, and good luck to you all!
- Aspen -
March Is Here!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Mar 2022, 12:38 am
Happy March! Let’s take a peek at the new 1st of the month items!
New Minipets
Take a peek out the March FD Pets!
Beetle? Cat? Why not both! It’s the Scarat!
Say hello to an old friend! The Shrimplet!
It’s the Parasnore! The slumber party is at your house right?
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until April 1st.
March Feast Minipets
Have a super cool day!
Contest Winners!
Posted by AdminAssistant on 4 Feb 2022, 8:59 pm
It's time to announce the winners for the Festive Jingle Jangles Contests and the Twinkling Tiger Eye Tree Decorating Contest!
Art Contest
#1 foxdog2 #59789
And in no particular order
snafflewyrm #20990
GooseGooseRevolution #124027
Paintie Contest
#1 BK #33539
And in no particular order
xxrei #71859
Baalzebufo #209360
foxdog2 #59789
Ascent #126836
Tree Decorating Contest
#1 ZeKosh #128574
And in no particular order
-BerryDrop- #201925
snafflewyrm #20990
buffalo #29539
StygianNymph #209207
Congratulations to all of our winners! Make sure to contact AdminAssistant to receive your prizes of choice, 3 FD Pet Boxes of choice for the art contest, 3 FD Pet Boxes OR 1 FD Shifty Sticker, and 25 fairies of choice for the tree decorating contest, 3 FD Pet Boxes OR 1 FD Shifty Sticker of choice for the Paintie contest! The other set prizes will be sent out shortly.
That's all for now.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
☀ MOD-Thaleia ☀
Lunar New Year 2022
Posted by Owner-Aspen on 1 Feb 2022, 12:27 pm
Welcome to the year of the Tiger!
Please enjoy a gift from Furvilla, this pair of lucky Lunar Tigers! You will receive two pets using this code, plus a breeding potion, just in case you need to use it to obtain the pair you desire.
Enjoy your new friends, and may they help guide you into a happy and lucky year ahead.
Red Envelopes

Villagers of the Explorer career will randomly come across these lovely Year of the Tiger Red Envelopes while roaming Furvilla through February 7th, 2022.
Collecting envelopes? We've retroactively added Year of the Rat Red Envelope and Year of the Pig Red Envelope to Furvilla! In addition to the newest Tiger envelope, these envelopes plus Year of the Ox Red Envelope are now permanently available in the Cottage Shoppe.
For Fashionable Kitties

Finally, this fine Tiger Shirt outfit item and Lunar Lantern keepsake item are now permanently available in the Quest Shop!
- Aspen -
February Is Here!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Feb 2022, 12:32 am
Happy Shortest Month of the Year everyone! Let’s look at the new 1st of the month items!
New Minipets
Take a peek out the February FD Pets!
Emerging from underground to party, the Cicada!
Say hello to an old friend! The Shetland Pony!
It’s the Platyfae! Just when you thought that platypi couldn’t get weirder, we gave them fairy wings!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until March 1st.
February Feast Minipets
Have an awesome day!
Quinn’s Corner: First Post!
Posted by Owner-Quinn on 28 Jan 2022, 9:31 am
Heya furriends! Welcome to Quinn’s Corner!
The powers of Furvilla gave me my own little space here to post announcements specifically related to code that are a little too important to simply put on the Change Log.
All such things will now go into Quinn’s Corner. I named it after myself!
Also, so I’m not repeating it every time, if you spot any bugs or potential exploits related to things announced here, best way to let us know is via the Bug Report forum, or by filing a report (I don’t get the latter directly but the mods are good about referring me the important ones!)
So here goes the first one:
Starting February, villagers that are registered for the current ongoing Feast and Tourneys can no longer be abandoned, transferred, or traded.
You would thus need to wait until the Feast or Tourney they are registered for to be concluded before a participating villager can be moved. So be mindful of who you register for these events, and why.
Also, I should emphasize that each player can only register one villager for the Feast each month. I noticed that this isn’t currently clearly explained, but when you feed a food to a villager from the inventory for the first time a the month, the villager you choose becomes your one registered Feast villager for the rest of the month. Attempting to feed another villager will create an error. It is on my to-do list to make this feeding mechanic more intuitive in the future.
Okay, that’s it! I’ll generally try to keep these posts more to the point in the future.
Thank you!
- Hkr Quinn
Dress Up Time Part 13!
Posted by Mat on 27 Jan 2022, 7:07 pm

It's that time again...A new friend has come to town, everybody say hello to the Feast Big Cat, be sure to make this new Villager feel welcome!

Feast Big Cat is now available through the use of the Feast Costume on your lovely Big Cat villagers!
Have a Caffeinated Day!
January Is Here!!!!!
Posted by Mat on 1 Jan 2022, 12:33 am
Happy New Year everyone! Let’s take a peek at the new 1st of the month items!
New Minipets
Take a peek out the January FD Pets!
Soaring sky high with the Star!
Say hello to an old friend! The Cockatiel!
It’s the Teddy Bear! They’re back again and ready to snuggle!
FD Pets can be obtained from the FurDollar Emporium. They have five day breeding cool downs and are available for breeding until February 1st.
January Feast Minipets
Happy New Year!
The Snow Festival Has Begun!
Posted by Mat on 23 Dec 2021, 10:05 pm

Hello everyone and welcome to the annual Snow Festival!

It’s wonderful to see so many familiar faces, I’m thrilled to have all of you joining us again this year. For all of you newcomers, let me introduce myself, my name is Polaria, and I'm the mayor of Tigereye Peak.

On behalf of my village and all its residents, we're excited to share this year’s Snow Festival with you!
Every year, the Snow Fairies come out of hiding to play with the residents of Tigereye Peak and help us greet the chilly winter season. We've encouraged them to travel far and wide across Furvilla, so you'll be able to celebrate with them too!

Many types of fairies will befriend you while you explore. Some will drop festival-specific stickers, stones or items. Others will give a boon to your villagers. You may learn about each of these fairies at the Snow Festival Hub!
You'll encounter them easily at first, but as you collect a lot of fairies, they will slowly become more rare to encounter. Don’t you worry your pretty little heads though, this resets every even hour.
Snow Pets and The Water of Life

The Snow Festival Snow Pet Fairy drops one of any new or previously released Snow Pet!

Don't this year's pets look spiffy?
During the festival, this year's newest Snow Pets (bear, bee, donkey and gecko) breed quite fast, with cool-downs of only two days. New Snow Pets will be breedable until January 31st.
By donating any Snow Pet to Rainbow Falls, (accessible from the Snow Festival Hub), you will be awarded a number of Vials of Lifewater. Alchemists may use this precious ingredient to create a special potion, the Water of Life.

Water of life must be used from the inventory on a sterile animal in your inventory. That sterile animal will be made permanently breedable with +2 maximum breeding charges. You’ll still need to use a Revitabite Biscuit to “recharge” those charges.
The following animals refuse to drink this potion:
Snow Pets, Plantanimals, Mechanical Pets, Daily Wheel Exclusive Pets, Abada, Dark Drax, Elemental Drax, Rubble Runts, Ant Farm, 'Yote, Bard Kitsune, Mystic Kitsune, Spooky Kitsune, Festive Kitsune, Cloud Kitsune, Were-Kitsune, Sweeticorn, Feathered Serpent, and Battle Moos.
Water of Life Recipe, Useful Flask, and Revitabite Biscuits are permanently available in The Cottage Shoppe.
The ability to donate Snow Pets will last through February 1st. Rainbow Falls will be available during each Snow Festival.
Northernmost Rim
You may even encounter a fairy rarely when you fight in the special wintery battleground, Northernmost Rim. Fight in this festival specific battleground to earn exclusive items!

A sampling of what awaits you at the Northernmost Rim.
Contests Galore!
Feel like taking a different sort of challenge? Furvilla's staff have devised various contests just for the Snow Festival, so make sure you check them out!
Festive Jingle Jangles Paintie Contest
Festive Jingle Jangles Art Contest
The Questionable Quiztacular #5
Have fun, and good luck!
More Fun Treats!
Oh my! I almost forgot, you can get this new set of wonderful holiday goodies from the Feast Fairies, as well as some treats from years gone by.

Did one of those gumdrops just wiggle a bit?
Thank you for having this nice little visit with me, I love having company over. And remember, all of us here at Tigereye Peak hope you enjoy the Snow Festival!
Party time!!!