New Species and Rules Revamp
Posted by Mat on 28 Jul 2016, 6:30 pm
Good evening villagers, we are happy to announce that Olde Foxbury now has its own rare species, the Saggitari! This taurian species fits in perfectly with the atmosphere of Olde Foxbury, and comes in three initial colors: Giraffe, Quagga, and Okapi.
Second, our staff has gotten together to discuss and completely revamp the Rules pages. We have condensed the three rules pages (Code of Conduct, Forum, and Chat) into one single rules page, which is linked from the Terms of Service. As the game has been open for three weeks, we have gotten an idea of what rules are necessary to keep it functioning smoothly, and have made adjustments accordingly.
Following our rules update, we will be closing our forums for approximately twenty-four hours for clean-up (but we will likely re-open them sooner). One issue we have been tackling is the sheer amount of spam that has hit our forums, and as soon as the clean-up of spam is complete we will re-open the forums for everyone to enjoy. The chatrooms will remain open if you would like to contact other players, and our moderators will be diligently watching the channels.
Have a great evening!
I suggest you implement a way for moderators to merge two threads together, so when they find two similar subjects, they can just condense the discussion.
Fantastic improvements!
If this is what we can expect from a single month during open beta, I'm excited to see what the future holds. :>
I'll definitely consider entering the forums more now with the new rules (and now that the spam will be curtailed, or at least forcibly so).
I am totally gonna try and get my hands on one of those new species! They're just too cute!
Did I not say "the way it sounds" CARACAL ? Saying I can not talk about politics/religion nor joke about things that would normally make for a good debate is to me saying "be nice to everyone 24/7" That's how I understand if you don't understand or take it that way that's up to you but that's how I understand it.
"Do not personally attack another player or Staff Member: Do not use profanity against another person, name and shame someone, post public black lists, levy insults against another, or otherwise behave in a way that attacks another player. Absolutely no threats of violence against another user, jokingly or not."
what part of that is restricting your "rights" and forcing you to be "nice to everyone 24/7?" it's literally asking you to not be an asshole. i really don't understand where you're coming from, especially since what you're talking about isn't what freedom of speech; freedom of speech is the right to make public statements without facing persecution from the government, not a safeguard against how people might react when you say something shitty.
also, there's a difference between being honest and being an asshole.
I'm kind of conflicted about the whole keep conversations with staff private rule. On the one hand, we really don't need people forming a lynch mob because someone was banned. But on the other hand, there ARE things that users should be allowed to talk about, such as why a paintie was rejected. I mean yeah, some people seem to complain and only look for attention, but other users might genuinely not understand, especially if it was their paintie genuinely looking like a character without it being intentional.
Plus...some things discussed by staff may be beneficial for other users to know, for example, maybe the staff discussion led to a clarification on rules. This might be useful information to share to others that may be confused.
I don't think its a 'shady' rule as some users have said, since i do see where the rule is coming from (users going on a rant or warpath because oh no they broke a rule and dont want to face responsibility for example) but...I think exceptions can be made.
Also, the whole PG-13 thing I think the rating thing is the problem here because PG 13 is for movies and there ARE pg 13 movies that depict some of the things that are forbidden on the site. I'd say maybe what we're aiming for is an E10 rating, which is a rating given to video games that are appropriate for players 10 and up.
shadowmaat actually I do work in customer service I have for the better part of my 30+ years and have actually been promoted more than once to the point where I am now a manager because I am overly honest. My employees respect the fact that I tell them like it is, it has helped them improve at their jobs and even our return customers are thankful for the fact. You can have good manners sure but you should not have to cater to every tom/jill and harry just because you are on the internet.
i've got no qualms with the rules; actually really glad they got updated how they are, especially the one about being nice to people. : ^)
Saggitari are awesome! And I'll gladly help people get it in exchange for recipes from other villages if anyone is interested! ~
Least I could do to spread the new species aorund since someone has been very nice with me back when the shifty craze started and got me the recipe.
As much as I can understand that I do hope in the future they can consider this. Like at least slowly introduce one language at a time going from the most common spoken language to the least spoken language. Like it doesn't have to be all unless there is a request but for now they can introduce Spanish, French and maybe European languages as they are surely the most spoken languages. We do need international admins/mods as this helps things being monitored around the clock. Thankfully for French there is Canadian-French they can use, not sure how much it differs from the French from France but clearly translation should be the same. I know Spanish tends to have some different dialects depending on where you are from.