Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 21 Jul 2017, 10:59 pm
Hi all! Just some quick news for you all - the tournament is now open again!
You can register a single villager here!
Notably, you'll now be able to see your ELO. ELO does not directly relay your rating, but does directly influence it.
Please note that you do not have to participate in PvP to gain valour points - simply register with a warrior to start earning valour points from your regular battles! You'll gain bonus valour points for participating in the tournament itself, though! Remember, you can spend valour points here!
In two weeks, new stock will be added. Two weeks after that, old stock will be removed - and so on.
Additionally, I've opened up a thread here. It's important that we discuss and adjust equipment so PvP is eventually fair for everyone.
Finally, please note that tournament points will automatically rollover on the 1st and 15th of each month, meaning that this tournament won't last its full duration - I'd like to use this time to get feedback and balance battles a bit!
Also, thanks to Admin-Mat for the banner ^-^ Sorry for all the warrior news, we'll likely have some news for other aspects of the game next week!
Are there any items that will remain when old stock is removed or does that mean all items that are in the shop currently will be removed?
Oh, yea - is this the same as how last time, as long as we participated in at least 10 pvp battles, we got 1000 some-odd VP?
Epicness :D Woo time to battle again!
Admin-Wisteria Thanks ,that is what I thought, but just wanted confirmation of that.
You'll keep your valour points between tournaments, the rollover indicates when caps reset to 0 and placement points are given out.
Yay!. Just a quick question: Rollover? that doesn't mean delete? (pretty sure it doesn't, but I like things spelled out in nice simple terms) It just means that the tournament ends and the points can then be used for the next tournament prizes?