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Dress-Up Thursday!

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 15 Aug 2024, 12:10 pm


It's been a minute since we've released some new costumes, so let's bring out some cuddly critters in a big way!

Eight new Feral Costume villagers have been released! Say hello to Bear, Gryphon, Kangaroo, Owl, Rabbit, Red Panda, Skunk, and Rodent (Flying Squirrel), featuring guest art by the amazing Kitchiki.

Run with us!

Remember, a Feral Costume can be created by Tailors.

Have a great Thursday!
- The Furvilla Team

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    • these are awesome! i wondeded if the dif art costumes would ever get new ones, so glad to see atleast one does!! absolutely precious !!

    • Yoo this is awesome??? Thanks for these rad costumes!!