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Serpent Tribute 2024

Posted by Owner-Aspen on 17 May 2024, 5:22 pm


Hello everyone! I am excited to announce the beginning of our 2024 Quetzal Palace Serpent Tribute!

Please make sure you read this post thoroughly, as we have made some changes to the festival.

The festival begins now, and will run until 11:59pm on June 2nd. The Serpent will only accept offerings during this time frame.

The Gala Ball, where you may trade your serpent feathers for fabulous prizes, will open on May 25th and close on June 8th at 11:59pm.

Offerings to the Serpent
As in previous years, all of Furvilla comes together at this time to pay tribute to the Great Serpent of Quetzal Palace, both as thanks and for good luck for the upcoming year.


The Serpent provides Serpent's Feathers in exchange for the items it seeks. These feathers will be used as currency during the Gala Ball's Prize Shop when it opens next week.

The Serpent has several specific demands, which you may view on its donation page.



You will notice that the Serpent is feeling nostalgic, and is craving items from the past, as well as the new items added this year. How greedy!

To obtain items the Serpent seeks, you will be calling upon the assistance of the majority of your villagers, as most careers have something to contribute.


The contents of the starter pack are explained below, so read carefully.

Special new recipes!
The redeemable code will provide you with 11 new recipes, 2 new seed packets and some mysterious flasks.


Crafters, Alchemists, Tailors, Blacksmiths, Cooks and Doctors will craft these recipes. Each time a recipe is crafted, a basic item is guaranteed to drop. Occasionally, a rarer version of this item will drop as a bonus in addition to the base item. The Serpent will award more feathers for rarer items.

For example, here is what may potentially drop from creating a Serpent's Whipcake!

QP's Popup Shop
Want to pick up extra recipes (for a small price)? Quetzal Palace's very own QP is running a special festival shop, which may be accessed here.

QP is also selling previous year's festival recipes for the duration of the event, to help newer players maximize their tribute potential and help to complete collections.

These items are on a restock setting, so keep checking back if your favorite recipe isn't currently on the shelf.

Thank you for shopping at QP Shopkeep's!

Herbalists, get those paws dirty!
Your Herbalists may contribute some lovely flower offerings to the Serpent. Head on over to QP's Popup to purchase Seed Packets. These packets will always drop a common seed, but have a similar potential as the above recipes to drop rarer seeds.


You will only yield one plant per seed (bonuses do not apply), but your harvest will never fail.

Warriors step up!
Your Lvl 10+ Warriors may wish to help your cause by heading off to the Serpent Battlegrounds to spar with various elemental warriors and the Serpent itself! This battleground will challenge your fiercest Warriors as well as provide you with extra crafting items needed to appease the Serpent. You may also find a stray recipe here and there, if you are lucky.

Let's see whatcha' got!

Have a novice Warrior who isn't quite tough enough to take on the main battleground? Don't fret! The Serpent is offering some more gentle sparring and training in a lvl 1+ battleground, but your rewards will be far less... rewarding.

The newest recipes will drop from each of these battlegrounds rarely.

Additional Notes
This year, we've decided to discontinue the animal breeding portion of the event, which concludes our series of Cloud Pets. While we know that some look forward to the mass breeding aspect of the festival, we do have a small consolation, which will allow you to add additional daily breeding charges via a craftable potion.

Hint: If your Animal Husbandry worker feels a bit left out, tell your Warriors to be sure to collect up as many Serpent Flasks as you can during the event, in addition to earning as many feathers as you can!


Enjoy the fun, and please appease the Serpent. Its greed is immense.
- Aspen -

Write a comment 19

    • I really like that the Serpent accepts older items this year! ^^

    • No cloud animals? Awwww, I really enjoyed them. The rest looks good though :)

    • Yay! Sounds good. I look forward to making the breeding charge potions too.

    • *gasp! I don't quite know what to do for a Serpent. Festival minus the Cloud Pets *,* Ah, I'm sure. I'll be busy with the other tasks. The new items. look intriguing....

    • Cloud animals were adorable, with or without mass breeding.

    • I’ll admit I may miss the mass of cloud animals (I am missing quite a number), but it will certainly be a lot less strain on me now, inventory wise xD
      And there are quite a lot of new recipes!! I worry I will not get to them all x3 Perhaps I should get more villagers…

    • Nice! Those whipcakes are beautiful! A little disappointed there aren't new pets though, ngl. Pet breeding is my fav part of FV.

    • Awesome! :D