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FGNN: Serpent Update

Posted by Staff on 15 Feb 2017, 9:57 pm


Oh...is this one of my feathers? Oh wait! This is one of the Serpent's feathers?! Oh goodness! The Serpent is losing feathers at a much increased rate! How wonderful for all of you feather collectors! Just remember that in order to get that golden trophy, you're going to need 50 of them. And mind that they are the Serpent's feathers and not mine...poor vain molting bird that I am. Stress you know...trying to keep up with all the events in this event have this poor anchorman losing feathers as well! But I'm sure we'll all enjoy the rest of this event and everything will go smoothly soon, in time for the big Gala!

*Feathers now have a 25% drop rate when you turn in pets to the Serpent.*


Also, all of my fine feathered, furred, or scaled friends, this change comes with another additional stage. The items that you are so eagerly awaiting, they will not be priced until the 21st, and that pricing is going to be determined by the feather ratio. So the more you pluck those feathers from the floor, the more those items are going to cost. Keep that in mind as you continue your feather hunting! I know we're all looking forward to seeing all of you dress your best for the Gala!

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    • Jeverinth
      It was already at a 10% chance when the event started. Have you checked your log since the 25% change?

    • Celestial_Witch
      Users are the ones that are asking for these changes. We've been listening to user feedback on the event, and even within the first few days, it was being demanded that it change before the Gala. I don't want to see these things keep changing, but we're trying to do SOMETHING, because obviously the userbase was unhappy with the way it was set up.
      And actually, I answered another user below you about the past odds. You can go into your log of items traded and receive the feather from weapons/armor, and your retry at a feather at the 25% chance. So yes, you do get compensation. You get to try again.

    • @Admin-Deinmaar - I've already collected the 10% chance we were given the other day. It sounds like I've shot myself in the foot for being proactive and getting that done sooner rather than later.

    • @Admin-Deinmaar
      Then the wording is a bit off for that -- it makes it sound like it changes per person. "So the more you pluck those feathers from the floor, the more those items are going to cost." It makes it sound like the more YOU (individually) get, the more it costs for you. Simple mistake I suppose but it's misleading.

      It's still....how many more times will the functions of this event be changed? I, as a customer, am getting increasingly uneasy by this event. It seems to change everyday how the mechanics of it work, I don't know when it's going to change AGAIN, and it's just not professional to keep changing it.
      For future reference, these are things that need to be in place BEFORE an event is released. These are things that need to be considered BEFORE an event is released.
      People are stressed -- people are upset.
      I see you're trying to make it better by changing it, but you also can't keep changing it everyday.
      What about those of us who had the lesser odds before? What do we get? Are we getting any compensation for the fact we traded in things with lesser odds previously? No. We're not.
      And I don't think that's quite fair. It's also not fair to keep changing these things on us in the middle of an event.

    • Jeverinth
      If you go look at the item log of things you've already given the Serpent, there should be an option to either get your earned feather from weapons/armor, or try your chance with the 25% on a minipet given, if I understood correctly.

    • I'm sure the 25% desperate isn't retroactive for those of us who have already dumped hundreds of pets into this :/

    • Thank the stars!

    • Celestial_Witch
      The prices don't change per person. The Admin will be looking at how many feathers in total the Serpent gave away. We don't want to make the items too expensive, but we don't want to make them too cheap, which is why the Admin wants to see how many feathers are actually distributed.
      I highly doubt he's going to make them super expensive just because a lot of feathers went out. We do understand that some people are having a hard time earning them despite their activity.

    • This is so unprofessional and a bad idea.
      How many more times are y'all going to change the functionality of this event before it's even over?
      And people who work hard to get more feathers have to pay MORE than people who have less feathers? How is that fair?

    • I think this is a bad idea. I have 4 feathers with very little hope to get more due to lack of anymore pets/weapons and ingredients to produce them. Some people already have 50+. So if they're going to be based on current ratio I'll be able to get what... 1 item? Maybe you can just price them low and put a limit on the amount of each item someone can buy? I don't understand why you're making this so stressful on all casual players just so SOME will be happy that all thee items will immediately be worth a lot - which is not something most of us even want. We care about long term worth. This is ridiculous and unfair.