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FGNN: Serpent Update

Posted by Staff on 15 Feb 2017, 9:57 pm


Oh...is this one of my feathers? Oh wait! This is one of the Serpent's feathers?! Oh goodness! The Serpent is losing feathers at a much increased rate! How wonderful for all of you feather collectors! Just remember that in order to get that golden trophy, you're going to need 50 of them. And mind that they are the Serpent's feathers and not mine...poor vain molting bird that I am. Stress you know...trying to keep up with all the events in this event have this poor anchorman losing feathers as well! But I'm sure we'll all enjoy the rest of this event and everything will go smoothly soon, in time for the big Gala!

*Feathers now have a 25% drop rate when you turn in pets to the Serpent.*


Also, all of my fine feathered, furred, or scaled friends, this change comes with another additional stage. The items that you are so eagerly awaiting, they will not be priced until the 21st, and that pricing is going to be determined by the feather ratio. So the more you pluck those feathers from the floor, the more those items are going to cost. Keep that in mind as you continue your feather hunting! I know we're all looking forward to seeing all of you dress your best for the Gala!

Write a comment 118

    • where do i find the serphant!? i want to trade but i cant find it

    • Oh wait you said tree... never mind. :x

    • DeathGrips Go to your serpent log and use the "try your luck" button. it lets you roll for a chance at a feather on each previous offering

    • As a casual player I manage to get max 2 feathers a day so that doesn't really do anything for me but I hope that at least other people will be happy with this update..

    • NPC-Ana so I have a very important question... Let's just say it's for science....
      Is the Serpent the mom or the dad?

    • x-x I already donated 300+ pets to the tree....thanks i guess :(

    • ok thats nice, how does that help us if we dont have pets to give? if you want to help then lower the cost for a feather. take two pets instead of five and two equipment instead of five. not everyone can afford to set all their villagers to animal husbandry or blacksmiths.

    • Thank you for the update! Woo, feathers! :3

    • Valice
      Go into your serpent log and all of your previous offerings will have a button to try your luck at getting a feather