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Career Change Times

Posted by Mat on 4 Jul 2016, 11:24 pm


Greetings villagers, we have changed the Career Change cooldown to two hours. This means you can now switch your villager's career every two hours, specifically at :00 on even-numbered hours. If you don't know how to change your career, please navigate to your villager's profile and click on Careers (View All).

Also, please follow us on Twitter - we tweet small updates to the game there, especially QOL changes!

Write a comment 568

    • Does anyone want to trade FD for FC ?
      I really want to upload a paintie :'3
      I can offer 1500 FC for 100 FD !
      Pm me if interested !!

    • Got a Dutch Angel potion, anyone wanna trade for a wickerbeast potion?

    • Oy there,
      I have some FC to trade and would like FD in exchange so I could work on my painties. ;;
      I can go by 1000 FC = 100 FD ♡
      Ping/tag me if interested, thank you~

    • Is someone willing to trade 500 FD for 5000 FC with me ? :D

    • Humerus - Any two species that are male and female work. Good luck breeding!

    • Hey guys - hoping some other user can help me out, with animal husbandry can you breed any two minipets together if male and female or must they also be the same species?

    • Thank you for making batch harvesting/planting of seed, it's made the process far less tedious :)

    • Is someone willing to sell me these pets, please ? :D

      Female Pink Lung Dragon
      Female Snowy Griff (Or any Griff, as long as it's a female)
      Male and Female Black Witchy (Or any Witchy, as long as I've a pair)

      It don't matter if the pets aren't tamed yet, I have a Villager with the Animal Husbandry Career for that, if needed :D

      Ping me or send me a PM if interested :D