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Career Change Times

Posted by Mat on 4 Jul 2016, 11:24 pm


Greetings villagers, we have changed the Career Change cooldown to two hours. This means you can now switch your villager's career every two hours, specifically at :00 on even-numbered hours. If you don't know how to change your career, please navigate to your villager's profile and click on Careers (View All).

Also, please follow us on Twitter - we tweet small updates to the game there, especially QOL changes!

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    • As much as I would love to answer EVERYONE'S questions, I need to ask that we all be extremely patient. Our Programmers are rarely in touch with us at the moment, as they are working on coding for the site that the Admin asked them to take care of. I don't know exactly what it is, but until they are done, there's a lot of answers I just can't get right now.. I understand that the illness thing is annoying, or that we all have suggestions. But I personally don't handle suggestions, and they ALL need to be submitted to [email protected]. There is a reason we had to close down the forums and open MOD applications. We are still being flooded with reports that the MODs I do have are getting buried under. I also understand that having the forums down is inconvenient, but constantly asking me when they will be back isn't going to do anything. Me and the Admin have HUNDREDS of applications to go through before we can start making final decisions, and then we have to make sure that everyone is properly trained so we can smoothly make sure that everyone's questions are answered, reports are handled, forums are moderated, and everyone is safe here in the Community. I can't make this go any faster without risking making yet another mistake and causing something even worse.
      So please, ALL suggestions should go to [email protected]
      Between applications, I'm gonna attempt to answer some more questions here, but for now, I need to leave this message at the top.

    • anders - You're not the only one. As soon as I cure one disease (after spending most of my FC on impotent remedies), I seem to get another straight away when trying to carry on with my careers. It's quite aggravating because every disease has a major impact (50% crop failure rate, halved gathering, ect) which eats into my funds even further, making it that much harder to process. I feel the infection rate is too high, or is at least too punitive making the game.. well, not that much fun.

      Regarding doctors, it would not only be beneficial to make cures but perhaps to help inoculate/vaccinate villagers and prevent them from getting sick all the time? There's buying/making cures, but as they say, a ounce of preventation is worth a pound of cure.

    • Anyone know how to add a repeating background using CSS to your profile?

    • I just feel the doctor stuff might be correct right now..at least for 100%.

      If any changes need to be made..I'd say a change to how % of a recipe learned works..which is why I suggested it affect the time spent making the item...and not how potent the item is. So that all recipe's have the same potentcy..that would hopefully make it so everyone thinks they are worth the same/similar.

    • Honestly feels like medicines should come with a protection period. Like say you cured with a cheaply made medicine that's 15% potent, it should give 3 hour immunity to illnesses. But a 100% one will grant a 24 hour immunity to illnesses.

      That's about how I feel should work, cause right now its not very inviting to buy from another player's medicine, just to get back to work 10 minutes later and possibly suffer yet another illness just after paying a high price for them as the chance is pretty high at the moment. I already just having my own doctor and building to 100% cause it really is that bad.

      Just a personal opinion though, it really up to the devs to come up with some form of balance with it.

    • Just out of curiosity is it possible to cancel a paintie that is in queue to be approved? o.o

    • Malis I have some Dragonsmaw Recipes listed on my Profile :)

    • Also, I am working on a database (rather slowly) of all the items and their recipes. It would be a great help if people could message me the recipes they know so I can start entering them in. Especially if you happen to not be in Tigereye Peak.
