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Opinions Please!

Posted by Mat on 9 Jan 2020, 12:14 am


Hey look, it's a new Poll!


Thanks for voting!

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    • I’m personally voting to rerelease. I feel like there’s so many pets already that it’d be good to put some of them back in the system! But I do love seeing what new pets come out, but perhaps decreasing the newly released boxes.

    • I just don't want the same market crash that is currently occurring with the animal seed pets to happen with FDE pets as well. (Also, a big reason why I continue to play is to expand my minipet collection)

    • I was thinking and maybe you guys could do something like one new box per month, but also you could re-release 3 boxes from a previous month at the same or a slightly higher cost (since the Retired Boxes are still a thing) for one month at a time. Thoughts?

    • I picked re-releases, because, as someone who can't afford FD minipet boxes, it gives me more of a chance of finding them in the Giving Tree, if people throw their extras there.

    • Oooo, I'm glad you guys are actually considering this! :'0 It surely was hard to pick between the last two, but I voted re-release for sure.
      But I agree with everyone's replies. Definitely decrease the number of pets released each month, as Growlithe mentioned, considering the forgotten 5 pets a month was already bad enough. For re-release wise, maybe a set of 3 random minipets from over the years? :'0

    • I'd personally prefer maybe less boxes, I'm just so burnt out but I'm kinda optimistic for the newer odds currently. I don't really want no boxes outright because less content makes it seems less exciting. but the lower breeding charges like Baelfin has pointed out has me feeling very iffy because even if the boxes rates on paper isn't THAT bad, I've opened 10 boxes of a species before and not gotten a rare or SR to stud with... such a waste of FD... then you multiply the bad luck across possibly two or more species a month and I'm like dying... =/

    • I only voted the three new boxes option because there’s no “one older box and two newer boxes” option, or vice versa. Personally I’d love to see more of a drastic change in items. For example; y1 was gembound plushies, y2 was astrology plushies, y3 was buttons and crowns, y4... mayhaps Astronomy related plushies pets that can’t breeded? I’unno. :’D

    • I'm not one that normally buys FD boxes but I've been thinking for a while that three a month is a bit overkill. And with the number of ah charges going down, maybe it'd be better to cut down to one or two a month?

      Cutting FD boxes for a month would probably upset some of the more active pet collectors and re-releases aren't super exciting unless it's a variation of an existing pet