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100 FD Paintie Deadline Extension

Posted by Staff on 28 Nov 2016, 9:11 pm


Hello again! The staff has heard your concerns and we have decided to extend the deadline for 100 FD Painties another 48 hours. The previous news post has been edited to reflect this decision so please re-read and still use that post to determine the exact time of the deadline.

Thanks so much for reading!

Write a comment 41

    • I was kinda upset about the short notice, but this is a lot better! thanks staff. I was a little unsure about raising the price too, but Tom_Suke commented on here and made great points. So yeah, totally fine with this!!

    • 2.50 is not going to kill folk; it's hella cheaper than other sites, and painties are a want, not a need. The reason for the influx is probably cause when the site opens, there will be a lot of people joining, and the servers will get more expensive. Most pet sites that failed where because of money problems, so 2.50 is reasonable imo. Think of having the 100fd as a beta discount, and now that the site is opening, the luxury is done.

    • but why change the price tho--

    • a sigh of relief

    • Its better.., But I'm still no for the price change.

    • okay but question though: does this raise in cost apply to the wardrobe as well?

      because if not, you could basically make an extremely quick paintie and then add a better looking one later, which would kinda defeat the whole point of raising the prices (sorry if this is explained in the other post, I can't open it for some reason.. Phone keeps bugging out :L )

    • Look at you fools, blessing the extended deadline instead of cursing the 150% price hike. Have some self respect.

    • Oh dang, I wish I'd seen this earlier, I stayed up super late trying to make my painties by the deadline... ^^;

    • Thank you staff!! Really appreciate the concerns of the users being heard! ^^