New Paintie Price, Opening Day & Holiday Event
Posted by Staff on 28 Nov 2016, 1:03 am
Hello everyone, another quick announcement for you all! Going to cover a couple things here so be sure to give it all a thorough read.
Paintie Prices
Paintie prices will be going up, from the current 100 Fur Dollars to the new price of 250 Fur Dollars. This news post is the 72 HOUR WARNING for you to submit at the current price, after the 72 hours are up, the new price will be in effect. So be sure to get those cuties into the queue ASAP if you'd like to take advantage of the 100 Fur Dollar price!
Opening Day
Furvilla Staff have come to the decision to push back opening day to December 7th 2016, this is going to give everyone just a little more time to be sure that all the little ducks are in a row and we are ready to give a warm welcome to all our new members.
Winter Holiday Event
And last but not least, we will have a fun winter holiday event coming to you on December 14th so be prepared for the festivities! We're all looking forward to our first holiday event and can't wait to share it with all of you! This event will be bringing a new holiday themed site layout skin, seasonal items, new limited Villager colors, and drum roll please 6 new species will be getting a Costume!
Thanks so much for reading, cheers my busy little beta bugs.
OH AND ALSO definitely looking forward to the event!! I'm really wondering what it's gonna be. Maybe something gift themed for the holidays? *hype hype*
Oh damn, I'm really disappointed by the paintie price raise. The fact that they are so cheap was a huge motivator for me to actually spend money on the site. It's like "well, it's only 5$ and I can make FIVE painties out of it, might as well put in the money!" I mean, 2.5$ is still not so much, but doesn't quite hit the 'impulse buy!' nerve like 1$ did.
Ah well. 'twas fun while it lasted.
I guess I'm just upset that they didn't give more time for this.
I've been working all week and was given some painties + have one of my own ocs I was gonna upload.
Now they're not finished and I just don't know if its worth it to upload them :p
I feel like it would've been better to give more than a 24 hour warning for the price change,... Like to change it when the site opens up for everyone for instance!
So excited <3
lol, yet another reason to not be interested in painties. oh well, hopefully the winter event will be fun!
Now I kinda wish I could pay for paintie slots in advance before uploading them, since some of mine are WIP atm and definitely not done before the price change hits.
Sine painties are more expensive now can we get inventory/storage space for FC instead :/
The price change is a little sudden, but I might try to do a couple painties tonight. Besides, it's not as if it's raised to $7 per character or anything, and I'm sure the change will help raise the quality of painties. ^^
I'm really looking forward to the opening day and event though!
Since you are raising paintie prices can you at least lower prices for invo/storage spaces or at least make them purchasable via FC instead? Lately I have been barely playing because I feel like I can't do anything I want in this game without buying more slots to hold items. Also can you go ahead and lift the ban on offsite trading? If you are comfortable charging people even more money for uploads than you should be comfortable enough knowing this site isn't going to suddenly need to be reset. People have been waiting months on offsite trades and now the date got pushed back again.