New Paintie Price, Opening Day & Holiday Event
Posted by Staff on 28 Nov 2016, 1:03 am
Hello everyone, another quick announcement for you all! Going to cover a couple things here so be sure to give it all a thorough read.
Paintie Prices
Paintie prices will be going up, from the current 100 Fur Dollars to the new price of 250 Fur Dollars. This news post is the 72 HOUR WARNING for you to submit at the current price, after the 72 hours are up, the new price will be in effect. So be sure to get those cuties into the queue ASAP if you'd like to take advantage of the 100 Fur Dollar price!
Opening Day
Furvilla Staff have come to the decision to push back opening day to December 7th 2016, this is going to give everyone just a little more time to be sure that all the little ducks are in a row and we are ready to give a warm welcome to all our new members.
Winter Holiday Event
And last but not least, we will have a fun winter holiday event coming to you on December 14th so be prepared for the festivities! We're all looking forward to our first holiday event and can't wait to share it with all of you! This event will be bringing a new holiday themed site layout skin, seasonal items, new limited Villager colors, and drum roll please 6 new species will be getting a Costume!
Thanks so much for reading, cheers my busy little beta bugs.
seasonal items :D
Not really happy about the 150 price jump in painties, but I'm sure itll settle the amounts of spam in the long run for them.
I also wanna say, not sure if six more days will be enough for Furvilla. I think it may be better to wait until the end of the month; december isn't the best month to open a site. Theres lots of holiday things going on (for users and staff) and I can see it getting rather messy very fast. Mid January actually might save you face since things will have calmed down some!
Excited to see what the holiday event is! Those are always pretty fun! Also, will the costumes be perma or just event only?
sorry for double comment, but with the opening date being pushed back anyway, i feel like it wouldnt be unreasonable at all to give like... a week before the paintie change, so that people actually have time to make/get the art they need or want, since we're being given the opportunity to jam a last few painties in before the change anyway. if someones waiting on a commission or needs to finish one themself, 24 hours is nothing (ive already seen a few people comment they wont even have a chance to do art before then)
It probably won't matter much to you, but you might want to pick a different opening date for Furvilla. Even changing it to Dec 6th or the 8th or even the 15th or 10th.
Dec 7 may sound like a cool date, but Pearl Harbor people:
It just seems like supreme bad luck to have Dec 7th for an opening date is all.
24 hours is nowhere near enough warning for something like that... lmao
good thing i didnt want anymore painties really
also @ everyone complaining at the people commenting on the price raise: not everyone has disposable income and the difference between $1 and $2.50 can be huge, plus having more users will bring in more money anyway just from volume and the cheapie price was a major draw, but w/e.
i feel like the price change was just to try and lower the number of painties that would even be coming in, but they could just like... get more people on the paintie team in the first place or something? idk?
aaanyway, i hope the holidays stuff is gonna be nice and generic, considering the site doesnt allow discussion of religion lmao. looking forward to seeing what the costumes are!
Tbh, I think we shoulda gotten more than a 24-hour warning
aw dang, painties were my favorite part of FV now i dont know how to afford ones for all my villagers ;w; .... guess its time to start making my custom bases and selling em
I don't mind the price change, but maybe give us a little more than 24 hours? Cause holy heck I have to make painties at the speed of light.
Complaining about Paintie prices; y'all do realise it's not cheap to run a site, let alone one like this, especially as every single custom image is taking up the brandwidth on the servers. That and paying the artists who design more pets for us all to enjoy goes into consideration as well as any other hired staff involvement; coders etc. It's still cheap as heck $2.50 (really?!) I think it's completely justified if the site needs to put up their prices, that's how retail works. Totally looking forward to the event though, can't wait for that! :D <3
The paintie prices are rising....? Oh dear.... i haven't been able to get furdollars on my own, the only FD I've gotten is from the wonderful anons and a friendly user.... if I didn't have a good chance of getting 100, there's no hope for 250 :/
I really like the holiday event idea though!