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Moderator Applications Closing

Posted by NPC-Lucien on 21 Nov 2016, 6:30 pm


Hey all! Admin-Deinmaar here!

This is the final reminder to get in those MOD Applications if you haven't yet! Apps close tonight at Midnight Furvilla time. So hurry and get those last minute submissions in if you're interested in being a part of the Moderator team.

Also, a reminder to all of you that have applied, be sure to check your emails, we are still waiting on a few replies!

We'd also like to say a big thank you to all of you that have applied this round, there was a wonderful turn out and we enjoyed hearing from you. So whether you ended up being accepted or not, know that your Apps were appreciated and we wish you luck in your future Furvilla endeavors.

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    • @Admin-Deinmaar Okay normally I stay out of stuff like this but this is where I need to say something.

      if you're going to tell people /right after reading their application/ if they have been rejected but withhold telling people if they've been accepted then you're playing preferential treatment. There's no sugarcoating it here. Either you're going to be professional about it or you're not. There's no middle ground here and letting people know if they've been rejected before all applications have been reviewed is like letting all of the kids in a classroom who failed before letting the other kids in the classroom know if they've passed. IRL jobs are NOT the same as online moderator positions. We're not getting paid to send these applications in nor would we be paid to perform the duties outlined by the position.

      YOU, however, ARE being paid to do your job. YOU can't use IRL jobs as an example in this situation because the two are as different as night and day. Moderator positions on an online messsage board are VOLUNTARY. IRL jobs are NOT. Please do not get the two mixed up as there is nothing in any way that leaves the imagination the ability to compare the two as if they are one and the same.

    • @arts-waifu
      Most of the time, people aren't told why they don't get a job, honestly. Most jobs I've ever had don't even tell me if I've actually been denied. Only if I've been accepted. A lot of times, you dont hear from a job unless you've been chosen to be brought in. It could be as simple as not enough experience, or an application was filled out will as little detail as possible, making the applicant seem as if they dont really care about the job. If someone really wanted to know why, they can email me back and ask. I'm not opposed to talking to someone if they feel the need to come to me about it after the fact.

    • @Admin-Deinmaar
      Funny you mention unprofessionalism because you know something? Not telling applicants why they were rejected is also pretty unprofessional. It's not you had to write a novel of a reason for each rejection, even just a simple sentence would have been nice.

    • @arts-waifu
      I was unable to hold them any earlier, unfortunately. I have no reason for favoritism, as that doesn't ensure the best MODs to join the team. And if I waited, then we wouldn't have the new team in time for launch. Favoritism is unprofessional, and I wouldn't be fit for my position if I even considered picking favorites.

    • @Admin-Deinmaar
      Just a (n honest but potentially blunt) thought, if you didn't have time to send all emails after the applications closed, then you should have held the applications earlier, or waited until you had more time. Because "sending out rejections as you came across applications" leaves an awful lot of room for speculation of favoritism and rejecting users you simply don't like, period. And considering the rejection emails did not specify what requirements we failed to meet, well... That just adds to it, honestly.

    • lunalonewolf
      Acceptance emails were not sent out until applications closed. Rejection emails were sent as I came across applications I felt did not meet requirements this time around. Unfortunately, time before launch is limited, so waiting to answer any emails at all would have risked not getting people set up and trained in time.

    • (not meaning to sound rude)

      But you guy's should've waited till the application submission was closed before sending out reject e-mails or acceptance e-mails.

    • Good luck to all those who applied <3

    • FlashHound it was my fault! Its showing now if you still wanted to read it. ^^

    • Good luck anyone who applied :0