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Spend Away!

Posted by Admin-Wisteria on 24 Aug 2018, 8:15 pm


The plunder store is now open!.

Additionally, we've stocked two new items in the FDE to help prevent price inflation.

Have fun everyone!

Write a comment 16

    • How long will the plunder store be open?

    • Admin-Wisteria Quick question, how long will the Plunder shop pets remain breedable?

    • I was wondering why my map 6 were suddenly selling for FD! I was not too far off the mark with my 50fd price so I'm ok with that

    • Hawkfeather I think the recolors wouldn't be as bad if the gallery upgrades didn't scale so high! I kinda like the pretty colored jewels from the event itself, but I agree with you for the most part. It's going to cost me 500,000 to upgrade enough just to accommodate the new collectible boats... ^^

      Maybe someday, if time and coding will allow, we could have a collectible button book like the toybox!

      I love love love the foxes, serpents,amulets and all of the villager plush! The item artist did a wonderful job. Thank you to them!

    • I love the battle foxes so much.

    • Loving the minipets and excited to check out the new warrior stuff! Dunno how good they are yet but I adore the artwork. Though an unpopular(?) opinion-- I really wish the recolored collectibles wasn't a thing. Inventory and gallery space is too precious to waste on something people from last year basically already have, but the fact that they ARE different and apparently only here this one year (and dated in the name) makes me feel like I HAVE to buy them or I'm missing out forever. I would have preferred the collectibles be a returning item that people only have to buy once, and that userpage trophies be the dated "I was here" collectible.

    • will the kraken and serpent always be breedable?

    • No costume art? :(

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