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Open Beta

Posted by Mat on 24 Jun 2016, 6:48 am


Furvilla will be in open beta registration from July 1st - July 8th. During this period, any player who is interested in engaging in the open beta is welcome to register an account. Accounts will be given a beta trophy upon registration that will remain with their account when launch is scheduled. After the registration period, the game will commence through beta until it is prepared for launch, in which registration will open again.

A note about beta testing: the goals of beta testing are finding and eliminating bugs in the game as well as attempting to balance to economy. Ideally, the amount of money and items flowing into the economy from the game's features should equal the amount of money and items flowing out of the economy into the features. We may reset currency/items, accounts, or features as we work to balance the game so it's fun without being too hard or too easy. We anticipate that players will be able to keep their accounts, but they may not be able to keep all the contents of the account.

A note on premium currency: the premium currency (FurDollar) functions are working right now. While we don't anticipate having to reset premium currencies or items, please know that if we do (such as a bug is discovered that generates premium currency) we will promptly return the currency and items to their purchasers immediately after.

Happy testing!

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    • Just starting today, and after reading some of the comments I also agree there needs to be some sort of tutorial on how to get started. I also like the idea of FC/FD bonus for logging in!

    • There should a small daily FC/FD bonus each day for logging in consecutively (some other sites I know do this and users find it effective and motivating). :)

    • being able to buy multiple things in the stores would be amazing instead of having to buy each item indivdually. I just spent 2 hours buying 150 stone slabs where being able to buy in bulk would have seriously seriously reduced that time scale

    • The prizes for fur idol are quite low, no? You can get 1,000 with just one gathering turn :p

    • Typo found! In the Supernatural Supplies' description, the character says "Supernational Supplies".

    • hey! im having a lil glitch and I don't know why, my doctor deer knows 5 recipes, and cant relearn them through me buying another because he already knows them, but when I go to his career page they just don't show up under recipes. this only happens on my laptop and I can see them when I go on my phone but on my laptop they just don't show up which is quite frustrating :/

    • Hello! Just joined and a few things that should happen when you first sign up to increase the useability is on screen instructions. I am aware you have a newbie guide, HOWEVER it takes away from the experience if you have to search for it and read it. Have things pop up as tips like "You can only change jobs once per day" , or "it is recommended to start with an explorer class", rather than throwing the player into the blue, as OtterQueen mentioned. I found it jarring in which to pick for a beginner so I just chose which was the most interesting to me. This means it's harder for the player to get the same experience as if they chose what they SHOULD have chosen. Ultimately Explorer is necessary to start off. (perhaps have it as the default choice at the beginning?)
      Also you have painties, which is a kind of skin thing. The issue here though, is players need to purchase with money (which is good because the creators should get cash) but there should a free way to get pre-made "painties" with a large sum of FurCash, rather than exclusively through FurDollars. A system that is similar to FlightRising. Have limited edition FurDollar items as well as rare FurCash items. It encourages people to work towards something (you need some incentive for people to keep coming back).
      And more on useability, an issue is with the townhall. A beginner won't know where to find what. Have a hover over the place saying what they sell. It's difficult for a beginner, especially when there are a lot of choices with what to pick. Ultimately the site should feel smooth, which it doesn't right now (and that's okay it's in beta for a reason!!! ) so a few tweaks need to happen.
      Also friend chat would be a nice thing to introduce to the site! :D I'm not sure if that's in the vision of the site, but it is good to be able to communicate and create closer friend bonds that you don't get as easily through forums.
      I would also encourage you to create community events, and perhaps games of some form if you're able to. Minigames where people can earn things can also keep people in the community, of course this is all just suggestions! Good luck beta testing :D

    • Last point is worded badly, I meant trading and selling your paintie designs.

    • My suggestions:

      1) Doctors and alchemists brewing more than 1 medicine each time like the herbalist.
      2) Prizes for fur idol are higher (10,000 , 5000, 1000)
      3) Paintie submissions can be withrawn
      4) Being able to sell paintie designs.

    • I would really like to see some sort of guide or tutorial being more easily accessible on this website; for example perhaps a similar approach to how the website Flight Rising informs their new players on how to play around the site by making a little window pop up that lets the user know everything about what a certain page is for and how to navigate through it when they see a page for the first time. The amount of gender options too when you're registering is a bit of a put-off and a lot of them don't make sense to be under that category.