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Dragonsmaw Manor Festival Part 2

Posted by Staff on 27 Oct 2017, 5:34 pm


Hi all, looks like we've gotten things all sorted out and we're ready to bring you part 2 of this spooky event!

Pumpkin Growing

The Pumpkin growing portion of the event is ready to go, your Herbalists (the ones on your account, not everyone's Herbalists site wide) will be working together to grow the biggest pumpkin that they can! On each Herbalist's work page you will see the special slot at the top that holds your most special pumpkin, you simply have to keep using Fertilizer to keep growing your very special, one of a kind Pumpkin child.

*Details on trophies and prizes for the Pumpkin Growing will be announced soon so be on the look out for a News Flash post regarding that in the near future*

New Recipes & Items

There are 2 new recipes now stocking in the Candy Shop, The Hallowed Potion Recipe and the Pumpkin Treats Recipe, check out the details below on the new items that they make!


First up we have the Hallowed Potion, this potion can be used at your Animal Handler's stables to upgrade the rarity of a Mini-Pet. Each potion will upgrade by one step, Common will upgrade to Uncommon or Rare will upgrade to Super Rare. To upgrade a Mini-Pet from Common all the way The up to Super Rare you will need 3 potions total for that Mini-Pet. The crafting price on this recipe is 500 FD, I am told that that price will be going up after the event ends, 500 FD is a special discounted Event exclusive price.



Secondly we have the Pumpkin Treats, these treats can be fed to an undomesticated Mini-Pet to instantly bring them up to full domestication! So have fun baking these up for your Mini-Pets.

Pumpkin Treats DO NOT work yet but you can begin making them for use when the coding bugs have been worked out.


Thanks for sticking with me and as always, please to report any bugs if you run into them!

*Exact end dates for the Event and closure of the Candy Shop will be posted with the Pumpkin Growing trophy and prize details*


Write a comment 92

    • People are mad it'll tank very rare pet prices.
      People are mad the potion is expensive.
      It's a lose-lose situation with that item. I'm sorry to say but you've made a terrible decision with this potion.

    • Here's an idea:

      Make people happy with the new species first, THEN screw them over with dumb shit like this. Really helps keeping the activity up!!!!

    • i-it's a discounted price. mylawd

    • all i can see this doing is crashing the minipet economy :/ like... the 10kFD super rare serpent will only cost 1.5k now. Same goes for anyone breeding beta bugs or any other hard to get minipet.

    • Potion sounds amazing! Certainly will alleviate my bitterness about serpent eggs situation.
      Treats sound mostly useless though

    • Can you please make this not work on limited pets? This is essentially pay-to-win.

    • I am just wondering, are there any more items going to be added to the candy shop? I want to spend my points but have been saving in case there are 'high point' items that I really want.

    • i think its good that the potion is expensive... people would or may take advantage of the system and make the very very limited pets (melting snowbunny, rare feathered serpent) into every MORE limited pets (decorated snowbunny, super rare feathered serpent) and sell it for an extremely huge profit

      maybe instead, make unbreedables be excluded from the effects of the potion and lower the price instead

    • you're all hecking insane

    • Uh, won't these two items together make AH completely useless? No need to domesticate, so that part is out. No need to breed for rares, just forcefeed to the top so the other half of AH is taken care of.