Stay Tuned for Take 2
Posted by Staff on 24 Oct 2017, 9:40 pm
Seems we are having some technical difficulties...Apologies! Seems there is a pack of Kritties running wild and knocking things off the shelves, as cats are prone to do...We'll be back with the open shop soon!
Satan? Is that you?
My apologies, I’ve misread it.
*bangs on shop's doors*
answrs autocowrecked*
*eats more candy while waiting*
woo autocorrect
So this announcement was a Halloween prank by the staff?
so then.... it opens today? or opens tomorrow.
what is the t r u t h
Daraen they days the rat of the event, but the shop was open now.
Daraen they said the candy shop is opening its doors, AND the rest of the event will start tomorrow. If that's what they meant, it's worded EXTREMELY ambiguously.