Stay Tuned for Take 2
Posted by Staff on 24 Oct 2017, 9:40 pm
Seems we are having some technical difficulties...Apologies! Seems there is a pack of Kritties running wild and knocking things off the shelves, as cats are prone to do...We'll be back with the open shop soon!
open the doors stop having them be C L O S E D
goodluck fixin' the stuff tho,,,this must be stressful as heck take ur time!!!
the day the shop opens is the day hell itself freezes over. what powers are at work here ? ?
o ... open the shop ... stop havign it be closed
THUS my soul returns to my body, undoing the astral-projection effect
cackles at new post
why are you like this
Daraen , that word is blocked by my Optic Nerve Blocking system (?)
Drake_Valos /side eyes