This article needs to be updated after changes in gameplay regarding:
- new alchemist recipes
- renamed items
- disease
Alchemist is classified as an Artisan career, because it depends on Plants from Herbalists. It provides Potions to change the appearance of your villager, heal Warriors, increase Durability of houses and equipment, change the Sex of animals, increase the Yield of plants, and transfer an illness to another villager.
Your villager starts with an empty screen. Alchemists need to learn Recipes called Potion Recipes in order to work. A villager can learn any recipe from any village. There are currently 40 Potion Recipes, which can be broadly categorized into Common Species Morphing Potions, Rare Species Morphing Potions, and Specialty Potions.
Potion Recipes for your village can be found in your village's shop . You have to dip into User Stalls or the Item Sales forum to pick up outside Potion Recipes.
Common Species Morphing Potion Recipes cost 375-625 FC in their respective village shops.
Rare Species Morphing Potion Recipes cost 3750-6250 FC in their respective village shops.
Specialty Potion Recipes cost 375-625 FC in their respective village shops. (563-938 FC for HP, Species Morphing, and Toxic)
All of the Potion Recipes are found in the village shops, except for the Shifty Morphing Potion Recipe which costs 100 Quest Shards in the Quest Shop.
Once you have your desired Potion Recipes, head into your Inventory to teach them to your villager.
Crafting a Potion is as simple as clicking on it and waiting for some time. Rare Species Potions take 90 minutes to craft, while all other Potions take 60 minutes. Every Potion requires FC, Plants from the village of its origin, and a Container from the village of its origin.
Containers are found in each village's clinic shop for 50 FC .
Alchemists can use a recipe as many times as they'd like once they have learned it. If you would like your villager to forget a recipe, the Unlearn option is available in the bottom left corner of every recipe window.
The Potions made by your Alchemist can change the appearance of your villager, heal Warriors, increase Durability of houses and equipment, change the Sex of animals, increase the Yield of plants, and transfer an illness to another villager.
Be sure to review the rules about Rare Species if making a Paintie. The Shifty Species especially has its own set of rules.
Some Specialty Potions are not used on your Villagers, and instead work on Items.
Applying one of three costumes decreases crafting time by 5%.
As with any Career, your villager has a chance of falling ill with each completed action. Crafting time is doubled for an Alchemist with a minor illness. Villagers with a major illness cannot work at all.
Most Potions can be used on Villagers/Items from the Inventory.
* * *
Morphing Potions can all be used on Villagers directly from the Inventory. Simply select Use from the information box to begin.
It's straightforward and a picture of your villager will be at the top of the window the entire time, so it's very clear who you're morphing.
Morphing Potions let you select any of the available colors for a species, giving you access to colors beyond the 3 choices given during Villager creation. Limited holiday colors cannot be selected from Morphing Potions.
The Species Morphing Potion gives you an entirely random unlimited color and common species.
HP Potions can be used on Villagers from the Inventory and from their Warrior career page.
Durability Potions can be used on Items from the Inventory to raise max durability of houses by 10 and equipment by 5.
Breeding Potions can be used on Animals from the Inventory and from an Animal Husbandry career page.
Miracle Growth Potions can be used on Plants from an Herbalist career page.