CatInHeadlights's Armoury
Sunblaze Maul (124%)
Sunder Amulet (112%)
Sydney the Thylacine (100%)
Sydney the Thylacine (118%)
Tanned Tunic (110%)
Tanned Tunic (140%)
Tarnished Barnacle Blade (114%)
Tarnished Barnacle Blade (123%)
Tarnished Barnacle Blade (107%)
Thatcher's Amulet (109%)
Thatcher's Earthen Moss Plate (100%)
Thatcher's Earthen Moss Plate (100%)
The Legend's Armour (104%) [6]
The Legend's Armour (100%) [6]
Thorns Amulet (109%)
Tiger Blade (119%) [1]
Tiger Blade (125%)
Timber Wolf (112%)
Totally Radical Glasses (109%) [1]
Tourmaline Ring (124%)
Tourmaline Ring (100%)
Tourmaline Ring (100%)
Trained Falcon (124%)
Tusk Sword (100%)