Dogstar's Armoury
Gold Plate Armour (100%)
Grand Hood (122%)
Healing Toolbelt (102%)
Helm of Badgership (100%)
Hermit Crab Battle Buddy (100%)
Iron Axe (106%)
Jet Ring (100%) [1]
Kusarigama (119%) [1]
Light Mace (100%)
Manta Shield (100%) [1]
Model Lighthouse (109%)
Monarch Cloak (100%)
Mythic Mistletoe Wand (107%)
Obsidian Kitsune Fang (110%) [1]
Opal Ring (115%) [1]
Otherworldly Staff of Wisteria (113%)
Planetary Headdress (100%)
Protection Ring of Tempest (127%) [1]
Protection Shield of Tempest (119%) [1]
Pulsar Pup (121%)
Rainbow Mittens (100%)
Rainbow Winter Warmth (121%)
Rocky, King of Rocks (100%)
Rusted Mace (100%)