clawstra's Armoury
Tusk Sword (115%)
Undead Bludgeoning Tool (115%)
Unicorn Lance (110%)
Unicorn Lance Kitsune (100%)
Unsettling Feathercloak (100%)
Unsettling Feathercloak (104%)
Unstable Elements Amulet (100%)
Unusual Rusted Plate Armour (100%) [1]
Vali's Golden Hammer (122%) [2]
Wand of Combustion (114%)
Wand of Corruption (140%)
Wand of Corruption (137%)
Wand of Fusion Blast (100%)
Wand of Fusion Blast (102%)
Wand of the Serpent (100%) [2]
Wand of the Serpent (100%) [1]
Wanyudo (100%)
Wanyudo (125%)
Wanyudo (110%)
Werebeast Gauntlet (100%)
Wheels of Wind and Fire (112%) [2]
Whispering Winds Scythe (100%)
Whispering Winds Scythe (113%)
Winter Clothing (100%)