Grinning-Reaper's Armoury
A Distinguished Gentleman (133%)
A Rolled Up Newspaper (100%)
A Rolled Up Newspaper (115%)
A Stray Chow Chow +0 (Male)
Alva's Terrifying Frost Amulet (100%)
Anemone Flail (100%)
Angelic Staff (100%)
Applescythe (100%) [1]
Armour of Badgership (118%) [1]
Armour of Decay (106%)
Aurora Borealis Whip (100%)
Axe of the High Seas (100%) [1]
Badger Paw Hammer (100%) [1]
Basic Clothing (100%)
Basic Robes (119%)
Basic Robes (66%)
Bath Bomb (118%)
Beach Umbrella Shield (100%)
Black Slime Helmet (124%)
Blackstone Plate Armour (118%)
Blazing Comet Amulet (100%)
Broken Amulet (125%)
Broken Axe (132%)
Broken Greatsword (121%)