Onix_Angel's Armoury
Bath Bomb (100%)
Broken Axe (100%)
Broken Axe (135%)
Broken Greatsword (100%)
Broken Greatsword (100%)
Broken Hammer (100%)
Broken Hammer (107%)
Carverantula (121%)
Legacy Dragon Tail Sword (66/66)
Legacy Elaborate Sword (111/111)
Grungy Wooden Shield (130%)
Grungy Wooden Shield (107%)
Icy Sword (109%)
Iron Axe (103%)
Iron Mace (104%)
Jolt Amulet (100%)
Lightning Serpent Scalemail (105%)
Manta Shield (101%) [1]
Legacy Monster Claw Axe (33/33)
Legacy Monster Tooth Knife (22/22)
Mythic Mistletoe Wand (109%)
Otherworldly Staff of Wisteria (139%)
Pine Cone Flail (109%)
Rocky, King of Rocks (100%)