Yeoubi's Armoury
Serpent's Sabre (83%)
Silver Greatshield (111%)
Silver Greatshield (136%) [2]
Simple Hood (136%)
Sleeping Melee Cloak (100%)
Sleeping Melee Knife (100%)
Sleeping Melee Shield (100%)
Sleeping Melee Sword (100%)
Snow-a-Pult (121%)
Sophie's Hammer of Justice (105%)
Spider Shield (100%)
Stabby Winter Fun Ball (100%)
Stabby Winter Fun Ball (114%)
Stabby Winter Fun Ball (100%)
Steel Axe (112%)
Steel Kite Shield (100%)
Steel Shield (100%) [1]
Sydney the Thylacine (107%)
Tanned Tunic (112%)
Tanned Tunic (100%)
Tanned Tunic (112%)
Tanned Tunic (138%)
Tunic (100%)
Tunic (134%)