shaira959's Armoury
A Rolled Up Newspaper (100%)
Angelic Staff (105%)
Applescythe (121%)
Armour of Badgership (133%) [1]
Axe of the High Seas (111%) [1]
Bandit's Red Tunic (108%)
Bandit's Red Tunic (100%)
Basic Robes (94%)
Bath Bomb (100%)
Battle Cry Amulet (122%)
Beach Umbrella Shield (118%)
Broken Amulet (100%)
Buer (100%)
Claws of Endless Poison (120%)
Claws of Light (105%)
Claws of Light (120%)
Cold Weather Claus (107%)
Cold Weather Claus (100%)
Cold Weather Claus (107%)
Coral Shield (106%)
Coral Sword (102%)
Disarm Amulet (100%)
Disarm Amulet (100%)
Dragon Blade (120%)