PigeonPun's Armoury
Monster Tooth Knife (100%)
Moonlight Sword (110%)
Moonlight's Greatsword (100%) [1]
Mythic Serpent's Sabre (100%)
Mythical Serpent's Hammer (120%)
Mythical Serpent's Hammer (104%)
Narwhal Spear (117%)
Neck Ice (102%)
Necromancer's Hood (100%) [1]
Nightshade Dagger (100%)
Nova Flail (122%)
Obsidian Ring (100%) [1]
Ocean Kitsune (100%)
Ocean Kitsune (100%)
Ocean Kitsune (100%)
Opal Ring (100%) [1]
Opal Ring (117%) [1]
Over-sized Belt (100%)
Planetary Headdress (100%)
Protection Ring of Tempest (100%) [1]
Protection Scalemail of Tempest (100%) [1]
Protection Shield of Tempest (100%) [1]
Protection Shield of Tempest (104%) [1]
Pulsar Pup (100%)