MariahKat's Armoury
Spells of the Serpent (110%)
Spells of the Serpent (100%)
Stabby Winter Fun Ball (100%)
Stabby Winter Fun Ball (122%)
Standard Leather Armour (100%) [1]
Starfish Armour (106%)
Steel Greatsword (100%)
Storm Bringer Pauldron (100%)
Storm Bringer Pauldron (100%)
Sunblaze Maul (108%)
Sunblaze Maul (118%)
Sunder Amulet (100%)
Sunder Amulet (117%)
Sunder Amulet (117%)
Sunder Amulet (100%)
Sunny's Inquisitive Blade (100%) [1]
Swell Shield (100%)
Sword of Discourse (135%) [1]
Sydney the Thylacine (100%)
Tanned Tunic (114%)
Tanned Tunic (124%)
Tanned Tunic (132%)
Tanned Tunic (131%)
Thatcher's Earthen Moss Plate (114%)