MaltedSoda's Armoury
Sunder Amulet (100%)
Sword of Kindness (100%)
Sydney the Thylacine (111%)
Tanned Tunic (100%)
The Absolute Most Dangerous Rake (100%)
The Golden Lute (100%) [2]
The Lance That Totally Does Exist (110%)
Tiger Blade (100%)
Tiger's Terrifying Hood (100%) [1]
Tunic (100%)
Ugly Sweater Armour (114%)
Unstable Elements Amulet (100%)
Vali's Kitsune (100%)
Whispering Winds Scythe (105%)
Wizard Hat (100%)
Wolf Blade (102%)
Wooden Axe (115%)
Wooden Greathammer (100%)
Wooden Greathammer (129%)
Wooden Sword (122%)