OumaFox's Armoury
Swell Shield (100%)
Sydney the Thylacine (100%)
Tanned Tunic (123%)
Tanned Tunic (140%)
Tanned Tunic (100%)
Tarnished Barnacle Blade (100%)
Terl's Tusk Sword (100%) [1]
Thatcher's Amulet (100%)
The Golden Lute (100%) [2]
Thorns Amulet (114%)
Thunderbird Cloak (100%)
Thunderbird Cloak (100%)
Tiger Blade (124%)
Tunic (100%)
Tunic (128%)
Tunic (117%)
Twilight Helm (100%)
Viking Fox Battle Buddy (118%)
Werebeast Gauntlet (100%)
Wheelie Battle Buddy (100%)
Wheels of Wind and Fire (100%) [2]
Whispering Winds Scythe (100%)
Winter Clothing (119%)
Wizard Robes (118%)