Pinkapop's Armoury
Sunder Amulet (107%)
Superior Steel Heater Shield (103%) [1]
Swell Shield (113%)
Tanned Tunic (138%)
Tanned Tunic (123%)
Tanned Tunic (142%)
Tanned Tunic (121%)
Tanned Tunic (124%)
Tanned Tunic (122%)
Tanned Tunic (122%)
Thorns Amulet (100%)
Tiger Blade (120%)
Tiger Blade (100%)
Totally Radical Glasses (100%) [1]
Tourmaline Ring (125%)
Tropical Headdress (100%)
Tunic (100%)
Vali's Kitsune (100%)
Vali's Kitsune (100%)
Wand of Regeneration (127%)
Wand of Regeneration (100%)
Wanyudo (100%)
Wheels of Wind and Fire (100%) [2]
Winter Clothing (100%)