EclipticGalaxyFox's Armoury
Sleeping Melee Knife (100%)
Sleeping Melee Ring (100%)
Sleeping Melee Shield (100%)
Sleeping Melee Sword (100%)
Some Nerd's Lost Glasses (100%)
Spectral Armour (100%)
Spectral Scythe (100%)
Stabby Winter Fun Ball (100%)
Steel Tower Shield (100%)
Swell Shield (100%)
Sydney the Thylacine (100%)
Tanned Tunic (100%)
Tanned Tunic (109%)
Thorns Amulet (111%)
Thorns Amulet (115%)
Thorns Amulet (100%)
Tiger Blade (123%)
Tunic (123%)
Tunic (100%)
Ugly Sweater Armour (100%)
Wheels of Wind and Fire (122%) [2]
Wheels of Wind and Fire (123%) [2]
Whispering Winds Scythe (100%)
Whispering Winds Scythe (101%)